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Last updated on October 9th, 2024 at 6:27 pm GMT-0500

Ship & Port Arrival Page

Date | Lorme IpsumLorme IpsumLorme Ipsum

Lorme Ipsum

Lorme IpsumLorme IpsumLorme IpsumLorme IpsumLorme IpsumLorme IpsumLorme Ipsum

Sending Mail to the Ship

Please be aware that mail service can be unreliable in many of the destinations that we visit. Semester at Sea does not assume liability for lost, damaged, or undelivered items or the costs associated with the return or forwarding of items. Customs, duty charges and local taxes may all increase the cost of the package or cause it to become undeliverable. Itinerary changes are possible, and, while we will attempt to forward delivered mail to our next destination, it is not always possible. Due to these challenges, sending packages to the ship is strongly discouraged.

If you have an emergency or must send something to the ship and have more questions, please contact us at (800) 854-0195 or email for instructions.

  • For small flat parcels like heavy duty envelopes a $10 fee will be charged to the student’s shipboard account for shipping/handling. Higher fees will be charged for larger packages.
  • Duty charges are calculated by in-country officials based on the perceived value of the items enclosed or in some cases the local price. As a result, duties may exceed the value of the items sent. Again, sending packages to the ship is strongly discouraged.

We recommend that you avoid sending any of the following items: medications, credit cards, currency, valuable items, food (snacks, chocolates, candies, etc.), and electronics (cell phones, tablets, chargers, etc.).

Port Arrival Times & Mailing Addresses

Planning Your Own Travel

The disembarkation process upon the ship’s arrival to port can take anywhere from 1–4 hours depending on local customs and immigration.Additionally, on-ship* and departure times are based on a variety of factors, including weather, and can vary from what is listed below. When making independent travel plans, please give yourself extra time to both disembark and re-embark the ship.

  • [*] On-ship time is the time is the latest time that participants can return to the ship. Times listed below are estimated; final on-ship times will be announced onboard prior to arrival in port.
  • [**] When the ship repositions to a different port in or near the same country, it is considered an overland port. This means that participants have the option of traveling with the ship as it repositions or staying in-country for the entire span of scheduled time. Overland ports for this voyage are: Tema/Takoradi
Suggested Airmail Arrival Date

International shipments must pass through local customs and port security upon arrival to each country. The timelines for these processes vary and are out of Semester at Sea’s control. Therefore, it is up to the sender to determine the latest date and best method to ensure your package will ARRIVE at the port agent’s address NO LATER than the date listed.


Departure: Lorme Ipsum

Mailing Address:

Mail cannot be sent to this port.


Ship Arrival: date
On-Ship Time*: date
Departure: date

Mailing Address:


Suggested Airmail Arrival Deadline:



Ship Arrival: Date
On-ship Time*: Date
Departure: Date

Mailing Address:


Suggested Airmail Arrival Deadline:



Ship Arrival: Date
On-ship Time*: Date
Departure: Date

Mailing Address:


Suggested Airmail Arrival Deadline:



Ship Arrival: Date
On-ship Time*: Date
Departure: Date

Mailing Address:


Suggested Airmail Arrival Deadline:



Ship Arrival: Date
On-ship Time*: Date
Departure: Date

Mailing Address:


Suggested Airmail Arrival Deadline:



Ship Arrival: Date
On-ship Time*: Date
Departure: Date

Mailing Address:



Suggested Airmail Arrival Deadline:



Ship Arrival: Date
On-ship Time*: Date
Departure: Date

Mailing Address:


Suggested Airmail Arrival Deadline:



Ship Arrival: Date
On-ship Time*: Date
Departure: Date

Mailing Address:


Suggested Airmail Arrival Deadline:



Ship Arrival: Date
On-ship Time*: Date
Departure: Date

Port Mailing Address


Suggested Airmail Arrival Deadline:



Ship Arrival: Date

Mailing Address:

Mail cannot be sent to this port.

Ready to Set Sail?

Take the first step on the journey of a lifetime.

Last updated on December 12th, 2023 at 9:41 am GMT-0500

Upcoming Voyage Feed

Upcoming Voyages

Fall 2025

Fall 2025

September 09 — December 22

France Ghana Hong Kong India Mauritius Morocco Netherlands South Africa Spain Thailand Vietnam

Spring 2026

Spring 2026

January 05 — April 20

Germany Ghana India Kenya Malaysia Morocco South Africa Spain Thailand Vietnam

Last updated on September 29th, 2022 at 2:02 pm GMT-0500

Animated Map

Rakovic, Iceland
London England
Rome, Italy
Cairo, Egypt
Sri Lanka, India
Perth, Australia
Sidney, Australia

Immerse Yourself in Cultures All Across the Globe

Academics are the very base of sed amit conset. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit sed consetuir do tect avedo herem.

Last updated on September 15th, 2022 at 10:04 am GMT-0500

2 Column Blue Cards

Headline Lorem Ipsum

Headline lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir

Ergo eem mihi videri potest. An, partus ancillae sitne in fructu habendus, disseretur inter principes civitatis. Ergo et avarus erit, sed finite, et adulter, intervalla et relaxat. tamen ullo modo summum pecudis bonum et hominis  idem mihi videri potest. An, partus ancillae sitne in fructus ui convenit. Deinde dolorem quem maximum. An, partus ancillae sitne in fructus ui convenit.

Headline lorem ipsum dolor sed amit cons

Ergo et avarus erit, sed finite, et adulter, verum habebit modum, et luxuriosus eodem modo. Dat enim intervalla et relaxat. Nec tamen ullo modo summum pecudis bonum et hominis idem mihi videri potest.

Last updated on August 16th, 2022 at 11:26 am GMT-0500

3 column videos

Helpful Videos

Day in the Life of Semester at Sea

Going to School on a Ship

10 Pieces of Advice for Your First Week

Last updated on August 12th, 2022 at 11:23 am GMT-0500

Simple Accordion

Simple Accordion

Morbi ac felis. Cras id dui. Nulla sit amet est. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui.
Fusce neque. Fusce ac felis sit amet ligula pharetra condimentum.

Test 1

Etiam ut purus mattis mauris sodales aliquam. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. Donec elit libero, sodales nec, volutpat a, suscipit non, turpis. Pellentesque auctor neque nec urna. Quisque malesuada placerat nisl.

Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Fusce vel dui. Donec venenatis vulputate lorem. Nullam vel sem.

Pellentesque libero tortor tincidunt

Sed lectus. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Nunc egestas, augue at pellentesque laoreet, felis eros vehicula leo, at malesuada velit leo quis pede. Donec vitae orci sed dolor rutrum auctor. Nullam cursus lacinia erat.

Nam eget dui. Pellentesque ut neque. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Praesent congue erat at massa. Sed a libero.

Aenean ut eros et nisl

Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Fusce risus nisl, viverra et, tempor et, pretium in, sapien. Praesent nec nisl a purus blandit viverra. Praesent ut ligula non mi varius sagittis. Sed magna purus, fermentum eu, tincidunt eu, varius ut, felis.

Nam eget dui. Pellentesque ut neque. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Praesent congue erat at massa. Sed a libero.

Fusce commodo aliquam arcu. Etiam feugiat lorem non metus.

Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Fusce vel dui. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Pellentesque dapibus hendrerit tortor. Donec interdum, metus et hendrerit aliquet, dolor diam sagittis ligula, eget egestas libero turpis vel mi.

Cras varius. Etiam iaculis nunc ac metus. Curabitur vestibulum aliquam leo. Suspendisse enim turpis, dictum sed, iaculis a, condimentum nec, nisi. Pellentesque commodo eros a enim.

Last updated on August 11th, 2022 at 8:43 am GMT-0500

Admissions and Financial Aid

Spring 2022 Itinerary Change & Policy Update

They think me mad – Starbuck does; but I’m demoniac, I am madness maddened!

Fall 2022

Admissions & Financial Aid

Exploring countries in Europe, Africa, and Asia, this voyage gives participants a truly impactful study abroad adventure on our floating college!

Fall 2022


Sailing with Semester at Sea is a life-changing adventure that takes you around the globe aboard our floating college, sharing experiences with a close-knit living and learning community. If you’re interested in joining our Fall 2022 Voyage, here’s everything you need to know about admissions and financial aid.


of Voyagers

say SAS was their most significant college experience


of Voyagers

spend extended time living abroad after SAS


of Voyagers

experience long-term positive impact


of Voyagers

go on to work outside the United States

Admissions Requirements

Find your voyager type and click to learn about specific admissions requirements.

Gap Year Students

Recent high school graduates who are interested in sailing before enrolling full-time at an undergraduate institution

Undergraduate Students

Students who are enrolled full-time in a degree-granting program at an accredited 2- or 4-year college or university

Recent College Graduates

Students who have recently completed their undergraduate studies and wish to extend their learning

Discover Financial Aid Options to Put the Voyage of a Lifetime Within Reach

Each semester, the Institute for Shipboard Education and Semester at Sea offer scholarships, need-based grants, and merit grants to make it possible for more students to set sail and join our living and learning community. Even students who don’t receive financial aid at their home colleges or universities may qualify for funding assistance through Semester at Sea.

Why Semester at Sea?

10+ Destinations

Experience life in more countries than any other study abroad program.

College Credit

Keep your goals on track and earn up to 15 credits from a top-ranked university.

Shipboard Life

With the ship as your home, you’ll be part of an amazing community of learners.

Global Experience

Become a citizen of the world and develop a comparative understanding of global cultures.

Hear from SAS Voyagers

Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum aliquam libero, non adipiscing dolor urna a orci. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Phasellus gravida semper nisi.

Semester at Sea gave me the best educational opportunity of my life. My experience was incredible and helped me become a better leader in my field. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedi. lorem ipsum dolor amit consetuir.

My time at Semester at Sea gave me the best educational lorem dolor opportunity of my life. My lorem avec experience was incredible and helped me become a better dolor leader in my field. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed ami lorem dolor.

My time has been lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc text. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec do hem consetuir doc tec avedi.

Pellentesque commodo eros a enim. Fusce pharetra convallis urna. Fusce neque. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Praesent ac sem eget est egestas volutpat. Mauris turpis nunc, blandit et, volutpat molestie, porta ut, ligula. Fusce neque. Nulla sit amet est. Etiam rhoncus. Nunc nonummy metus. Donec elit libero, sodales nec, volutpat a, suscipit non, turpis. Pellentesque libero tortor, tincidunt et, tincidunt eget, semper nec, quam. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Quisque ut nisi.

Ready to Set Sail?

Take the first step on the journey of a lifetime.

Last updated on December 1st, 2022 at 3:19 pm GMT-0500

Basic blue interior

Eyebrow text

Headline lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir

Lorem ipsum sed amit dolor avec todo.Lorem ipsum sed amit dolor avec todo.Lorem ipsum sed amit vehemos lorem avec todo.Lorem ipsum dolor avec todo.

Last updated on August 8th, 2022 at 3:04 pm GMT-0500

Basic Interior Banner with Image

Work With Us

Help us build a more connected world, one student at a time — whether you’re joining a voyage as part of our staff or faculty or supporting life-changing study abroad experiences as a member of our home office staff.

Last updated on December 1st, 2022 at 3:19 pm GMT-0500

Scholarship detail

Scholarship title here lorem ipsum

Descriptive text if needed lorem ipsum dolor sed amit. Avec osdo todo lorem dolor.

Scholarship Information

Amount: $100-$1000

Voyages: Spring & Fall

Eligibility: >3.0 GPA. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo lorem dolor.


Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo sorel. Conset vehem lorem dolor avi. Avec todo vivi ahemos nosotro lorem odlor. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo sorel. Conset vehem lorem dolor avi. Avec todo vivi ahemos nosotro lorem odlor. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo sorel. Conset vehem lorem dolor avi. Avec todo vivi ahemos nosotro lorem odlor. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo sorel. Conset vehem lorem dolor avi. Avec todo vivi ahemos nosotro lorem odlor.

Optional secondary heading

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  • Avec todo vivi ahemos nosotro lorem odlor
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo sorel.
  • Conset vehem lorem dolor avi. Avec todo vivi ahemos nosotro lorem

Avec todo vivi ahemos nosotro lorem odlor. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo sorel. Conset vehem lorem dolor avi. Avec todo vivi ahemos nosotro lorem odlor. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo sorel. Conset vehem lorem dolor avi. Avec todo vivi ahemos nosotro lorem odlor.

Apply Now

In order to be eligible for this scholarship, you must be a confirmed voyager who has paid your deposit.

Last updated on August 10th, 2022 at 3:09 pm GMT-0500

Simple Form Page

Lorem ipsum headline

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo lorem dolor sed amit. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo lorem dolor sed amit.

Smaller headline here lore ipsum dolor.

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Last updated on September 20th, 2022 at 11:20 am GMT-0500

Scholarships and grants

Cost & Financial Aid

Scholarships & Grants

At iste non dolendi status non vocatur voluptas. Ergo omni animali illud, quod appetiti positum est in eo, quod naturae est accommodatum. At iste non dolendi status non vocatur voluptas. Lorem ipsum dolor.


Semester at Sea Scholarship & Grant Information

Students do not necessarily need to qualify for standard forms of financial aid (such as Pell Grants) on their home campuses to be eligible for scholarships. Applicants are strongly encouraged to file the FAFSA and submit the Student Aid Report to ISE along with tax returns from the most recent tax year and any supplemental information that might be helpful in our review. International students are welcome to apply for any ISE scholarships. We ask that you submit a statement of your parent’s income, with an English translation and conversion to US dollars, in lieu of the FAFSA and tax forms.

Important Deadlines

Spring applications open July 12, 2021. Fall Applications open February 9, 2022

Scholarship NameSpring 2022Fall 2022
Davis UWC Scholarship
for Undergraduates
Fall 2021/Spring 2022 Deadline:
May 4, 2021
Notified by: May 11, 2021
Fall 2022 Deadline:
April 27, 2022
Notified by: May 11, 2021
Tutu Ubuntu Scholarship (Spring Only)Spring 2022 Deadline:
August 4, 2021
Notified by: August 16, 2021
All other ISE Awards:
Student Assistant Grants; Alumni Support;
IMPACT Project Cohort;
Global Journalism Fellowship;
International Student Advancement;
Minority Serving Institution;
HBCU Scholarship; HACU/HSI Scholarship;
Inclusive Engagement Scholarship;
CY Tung Scholarship (Spring Voyages only)
Spring 2022 Deadline:
August 4, 2021
Notified by: August 16, 2021
Spring 2022
Deadline: August 4, 2021
Notified by: August 16, 2021
Award NameAmountVoyageEligibility
Need-Based Grants
Lorem ipsum separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the of the famous Semantics, large language
$250 – $10,000Fall SpringAll Students ISE Awarded Aid
Merit Grant
Lorem ipsum separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at lorem
$250 – $2,500Fall Spring>3.0 GPA
Need-Based Grants
Lorem ipsum separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the of the famous Semantics, large language
$250 – $10,000FallAll Students ISE Awarded Aid
Need-Based Grants
Lorem ipsum separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the of the famous Semantics, large language
$4,000SpringStudents attending a HBCU or Predominately Black Institution as defined by the U.S. DOE
Testing Table
Lorem ipsum dolor Lorem ipsum separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the of the famous Semantics, large language Lorem ipsum separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the of the famous Semantics, large language Lorem ipsum separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the of the famous Semantics, large language
$250 – $10,000$250 – $10,000Fall Spring Winter SummerStudents attending a HBCU or Predominately Black Institution as defined by the U.S. DOE Students attending a HBCU or Predominately Black Institution as defined by the U.S. DOE

School/Institution Specific Grants and Scholarships

Amount: $500-$2,500

University of Virginia

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel.

Amount: $500-$2,500

CA Polytechnic Sate

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel.

Amount: $500-$2,500

Colorado Boulder

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel.

Amount: $500-$2,500

Chapman University

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Amount: $500-$2,500

University of Virginia

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel.

Amount: $500-$2,500

CA Polytechnic Sate

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel.

Amount: $500-$2,500

Colorado Boulder

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel.

Amount: $500-$2,500

Chapman University

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel. Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec todo sorel. Lorem ipsum dolor sed.

lorem ipsum, this is a caption, doo doo, dah dah

Frequenty Asked Questions

Morbi ac felis. Cras id dui. Nulla sit amet est. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui.
Fusce neque. Fusce ac felis sit amet ligula pharetra condimentum.

Ready to Set Sail?

Take the first step on the journey of a lifetime.

Last updated on August 4th, 2022 at 3:37 pm GMT-0500

Voyages – Overview

Spring 2022 Itinerary Change & Policy Update

They think me mad – Starbuck does; but I’m demoniac, I am madness maddened!


Spring 2022:
Mediterranean Exploration

Exploring countries in Europe, this voyage gives participants a truly global study abroad experience on our floating campus! Dat enim intervalla et relaxat. Nec tamen ullo modo summum.

  • Overview:

    • 105 Daysrn• 12 Countriesrn• 12 Citiesrn• 2 Continents

  • Embark:

    January 5, Naples, Italy

  • Disembark:

    April 20, Bremerhaven, Germany

  • Itinerary:

    Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Malta, Spain, Portugal, France, Denmark, Poland, Sweden

  • Helpful Documents:

    u003ca href=u0022http://duckduckgo.comu0022u003eSP22 Detailed Itineraryu003c/au003ernrnu003ca href=u0022http://duckduckgo.comu0022u003eSP22 Sending Mail to the Shipu003c/au003e

Get ready to be immersed in lorem ipsum dolor sed

Dipylo stadia confecimus. Huic mori optimum esse propter desperationem sapientiae, illi propter spem vivere. At iste non dolendi status non vocatur voluptas. Ergo omni animali illud, quod appetiti positum est in eo, quod naturae est accommodatum. Immo alio genere; Illud non continuo, ut aeque incontentae. Non ego tecum iam ita iocabor, ut isdem his de rebus.

Huic mori optimum esse propter desperationem sapientiae, illi propter spem vivere. At iste non dolendi status non vocatur voluptas. Ergo omni animali illud, quod appetiti positum est in eo, quod naturae est accommodatum. Immo alio genere; Illud non continuo, ut aeque incontentae. Non ego tecum iam ita iocabor, ut isdem his de rebus.

Additional headline information lorem ipsum dolor sed

Illa a Dipylo stadia confecimus. Huic mori optimum esse propter desperationem sapientiae, illi propter spem vivere. Illa a Dipylo stadia confecimus. Huic mori optimum esse propter desperationem sapientiae, illi propter spem vivere.


Diversion Ports

Over our 57 year history, we’ve learned that itineraries are subject to adjustment. More than half of our voyages have required some deviation from the planned itinerary. The need to change an itinerary prior to and/or during a voyage can arise due to a number of factors: weather, political unrest, and other health and safety considerations. Should there be a need to adjust our published plans, we have identified potential Diversion Ports in each region of our expected travel. These ports are selected based on a number of factors including safety, educational value, and accessibility. While we don’t intend to visit these locations, should the need arise, we’ve made arrangements to allow us to travel to these ports. Again, these Diversion Ports simply serve as a back-up should anything prevent us from traveling to our planned itinerary.

Other ports may be added as required. Just as our world is dynamic, this list of potential ports is also subject to change. Every destination must pass a comprehensive health and safety assessment, regardless of being a planned or diversion port.

Spring 2022 Diversion Ports

  • Palermo, Italy
  • Marseille, France
  • Civitavecchia, Italy
  • Valencia, Spain
  • Cadiz, Spain
  • Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
  • Southampton, England
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
  • Hamburg, Germany
  • Edinburgh, Scotland
  • Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Tallin, Estonia

Voyage Curriculum

The perfect mix of in class and in field education

Over our 57 year history, we’ve learned that itineraries are subject to adjustment. More than half of our voyages have required some deviation from the planned itinerary. The need to change an itinerary prior to and/or during a voyage can arise due to a number of factors: weather, political unrest, and other health and safety considerations.

Field Programs

Semester at Sea Field Programs Lorem Ipsum 

With your spirit of discovery and safety in mind, Semester at Sea Field Programs maximize your resources while providing unique insights, grand adventures and a lifetime of memories! Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect thumbnail, remove the playbar lorem ipsum dolor

Looking for additional information lorem ipsum?

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo sorel.
Conset vehem lorem dolor avi. Vivi ahemos.

Program Fees Overview

Study abroad experience is one of the best investments for a student’s future.

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the famous Semantics, large language ocean and many more stuff and more more more lorem ipsum dolor sed. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the.

A look into what’s included:
  • Semester’s Tuition & Travel
  • Meals
  • Housing & Amenities
  • Fuel Fee*
  • Academic Field Classes
  • Full-time, On-site Student Services Staff
  • Advisement & Assistance by ISE Program Admins
  • And much much more

Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum aliquam libero, non adipiscing dolor urna a orci. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Phasellus gravida semper nisi.

Semester at Sea gave me the best educational opportunity of my life. My experience was incredible and helped me become a better leader in my field. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedi. lorem ipsum dolor amit consetuir.

My time at Semester at Sea gave me the best educational lorem dolor opportunity of my life. My lorem avec experience was incredible and helped me become a better dolor leader in my field. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed ami lorem dolor.

My time has been lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc text. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec do hem consetuir doc tec avedi.

Pellentesque commodo eros a enim. Fusce pharetra convallis urna. Fusce neque. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Praesent ac sem eget est egestas volutpat. Mauris turpis nunc, blandit et, volutpat molestie, porta ut, ligula. Fusce neque. Nulla sit amet est. Etiam rhoncus. Nunc nonummy metus. Donec elit libero, sodales nec, volutpat a, suscipit non, turpis. Pellentesque libero tortor, tincidunt et, tincidunt eget, semper nec, quam. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Quisque ut nisi.

Study Abroad Admission Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the famous Semantics, large language ocean and many more stuff and more more more lorem ipsum dolor sed. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right.

Gap Year Students

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec aved nuestro vehem amo

Traditional Undergraduate

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec aved nuestro vehem amo

Recent College Graduates

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec aved nuestro vehem amo

Frequenty Asked Questions

Morbi ac felis. Cras id dui. Nulla sit amet est. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui.
Fusce neque. Fusce ac felis sit amet ligula pharetra condimentum.

Ready to Set Sail?

Take the first step on the journey of a lifetime.

Last updated on December 1st, 2022 at 3:18 pm GMT-0500


Last updated on August 2nd, 2022 at 2:18 pm GMT-0500

Image and video slider

lorem ipsum, this is a caption, doo doo, dah dah
Last updated on August 22nd, 2022 at 3:20 pm GMT-0500

Sidebar tabbed content – dark

Last updated on August 2nd, 2022 at 2:14 pm GMT-0500

Sidebar tabbed content – light

Last updated on August 2nd, 2022 at 2:13 pm GMT-0500

Image Slider with Content

Headline here lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc.
Separated they live in Bookmarks right at the coast of the famous Semantics, large language ocean Separated they live in Bookmarks right. Separated they live in Bookmarks right at the coast of the famous Semantics, large language.
Cras non dolor.
Cras id dui. Integer tincidunt. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci.
Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus.
Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Fusce id purus. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Maecenas malesuada.
Last updated on August 4th, 2022 at 3:29 pm GMT-0500

Simple Testimonial Slider

Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum aliquam libero, non adipiscing dolor urna a orci. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Phasellus gravida semper nisi.

Semester at Sea gave me the best educational opportunity of my life. My experience was incredible and helped me become a better leader in my field. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedi. lorem ipsum dolor amit consetuir.

My time at Semester at Sea gave me the best educational lorem dolor opportunity of my life. My lorem avec experience was incredible and helped me become a better dolor leader in my field. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed ami lorem dolor.

My time has been lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc text. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec do hem consetuir doc tec avedi.

Pellentesque commodo eros a enim. Fusce pharetra convallis urna. Fusce neque. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Praesent ac sem eget est egestas volutpat. Mauris turpis nunc, blandit et, volutpat molestie, porta ut, ligula. Fusce neque. Nulla sit amet est. Etiam rhoncus. Nunc nonummy metus. Donec elit libero, sodales nec, volutpat a, suscipit non, turpis. Pellentesque libero tortor, tincidunt et, tincidunt eget, semper nec, quam. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Quisque ut nisi.

Last updated on August 2nd, 2022 at 2:04 pm GMT-0500

3 Column Testimonial Slider

Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum aliquam libero, non adipiscing dolor urna a orci. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Phasellus gravida semper nisi.

Semester at Sea gave me the best educational opportunity of my life. My experience was incredible and helped me become a better leader in my field. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedi. lorem ipsum dolor amit consetuir.

Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum aliquam libero, non adipiscing dolor urna a orci. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Phasellus gravida semper nisi.

My time has been lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc text. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec do hem consetuir doc tec avedi.

Pellentesque commodo eros a enim. Fusce pharetra convallis urna. Fusce neque. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Praesent ac sem eget est egestas volutpat. Mauris turpis nunc, blandit et, volutpat molestie, porta ut, ligula. Fusce neque. Nulla sit amet est. Etiam rhoncus. Nunc nonummy metus. Donec elit libero, sodales nec, volutpat a, suscipit non, turpis. Pellentesque libero tortor, tincidunt et, tincidunt eget, semper nec, quam. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Quisque ut nisi.

Last updated on August 4th, 2022 at 3:27 pm GMT-0500

Simple Inline CTA

Looking for additional information lorem ipsum?

Lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedo sorel.
Conset vehem lorem dolor avi. Vivi ahemos.

Last updated on August 2nd, 2022 at 1:58 pm GMT-0500

Testimonial Slider

Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Sed mollis, eros et ultrices tempus, mauris ipsum aliquam libero, non adipiscing dolor urna a orci. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Phasellus gravida semper nisi.

Semester at Sea gave me the best educational opportunity of my life. My experience was incredible and helped me become a better leader in my field. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc tec avedi. lorem ipsum dolor amit consetuir.

My time at Semester at Sea gave me the best educational lorem dolor opportunity of my life. My lorem avec experience was incredible and helped me become a better dolor leader in my field. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed ami lorem dolor.

My time has been lorem ipsum dolor sed amit consetuir doc text. It led to lorem ipsum dolor sed amit avec do hem consetuir doc tec avedi.

Pellentesque commodo eros a enim. Fusce pharetra convallis urna. Fusce neque. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Praesent ac sem eget est egestas volutpat. Mauris turpis nunc, blandit et, volutpat molestie, porta ut, ligula. Fusce neque. Nulla sit amet est. Etiam rhoncus. Nunc nonummy metus. Donec elit libero, sodales nec, volutpat a, suscipit non, turpis. Pellentesque libero tortor, tincidunt et, tincidunt eget, semper nec, quam. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Quisque ut nisi.

Last updated on August 4th, 2022 at 3:30 pm GMT-0500

FAQ Accordion

Frequenty Asked Questions

Morbi ac felis. Cras id dui. Nulla sit amet est. Nullam accumsan lorem in dui.
Fusce neque. Fusce ac felis sit amet ligula pharetra condimentum.

Last updated on August 9th, 2022 at 2:45 pm GMT-0500

Faculty and Staff Feed

Woopi Anesu Takarasima
Woopi Takarasima
African Leadership University – Rwanda | Global Studies
Woopi Takarasima
African Leadership University – Rwanda | Global Studies

Pronouns: (She/Her)

I sailed in the Fall of 2022 as a Tutu Ubuntu Scholar while completing my BA (Hons) in Global Challenges. From climbing dunes in Wadi Rum, to navigating Mumbai and much more, SAS broadened my worldview and I love helping new SASers navigate their voyages!

  • Sailed As
  • DPM Preference
    Similar racial/ethnic group; International student
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Fall 2022
Xavier Bonilla Garcia
Xavier Bonilla Garcia
University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez | Chemistry
Xavier Bonilla Garcia
University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez | Chemistry

Pronouns: (He/Him)

Coming from a low-income, family, Semester at Sea seemed impossible. Yet through two years of determination, I made it happen. Visiting 11 ports led to profound growth, self-discovery, and lifelong friendships. It has been the best decision I ever made.

  • Sailed As
  • DPM Preference
    Similar racial/ethnic group; LGBTQIA++; High financial need
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Fall 2022
Ricardo Dollero
Ricardo Dollero
University of California: Los Angeles | Anthropology
Ricardo Dollero
University of California: Los Angeles | Anthropology

Pronouns: (He/Him)

During my time on SAS 133, I embraced the opportunity to inspire other Latino students onboard by starting the Hispanic Community Club. As a low-income, Latino UCLA transfer student, my goal is to create a space that values diversity in global education.

  • Sailed As
  • DPM Preference
    Similar racial/ethnic group; First generation; High financial need
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Spring 2024
Matti Goodwin-Sutton
Matti Goodwin-Sutton
Matti Goodwin-Sutton

Pronouns: (She/Her)

Hi, My name is Matti! I am an international student from Canada. While on board, I worked as a Student Assistant for Student Life and was awarded several scholarships. While on board, I also received academic accommodations for my Learning Disability.

  • Sailed As
  • DPM Preference
    International student; Disability; High financial need
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Spring 2024
Syoma Andruschenko
Syoma Andruschenko
St. John’s College | Philosophy
Syoma Andruschenko
St. John’s College | Philosophy

Pronouns: (He/Him)

I’m a junior at St. John’s College and a Davis UWC Scholar from Russia. Semester at Sea helped me explore my Eastern European, Slavic, and Eastern Orthodox identity in a global context. It’s a transformative experience I’d love to help you prepare for!

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • DPM Preference
    Similar racial/ethnic group; International student; Similar religious affiliation; High financial need
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Spring 2022
Ellie Erbacher
Ellie Erbacher
University of South Carolina | Economics
Ellie Erbacher
University of South Carolina | Economics

Pronouns: (She/Her)

My name is Kendelle and I was a voyager on 133 in spring of 2024! I had the most amazing time on Semester at Sea and have tons of tips about ship life, traveling in country and solo traveling after to help everyone have the same great experience I did!

  • Sailed As
  • DPM Preference
    International student; LGBTQIA++; Disability; High financial need
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Spring 2024
Silvia Gaete Lagos
Silvia Gaete Lagos
Kalamazoo College | Theater Arts
Silvia Gaete Lagos
Kalamazoo College | Theater Arts

Pronouns: (She/Her)

Hi, I’m Silvia, an economics major from Chile. Semester at Sea was life-changing, helping me connect with new cultures and embrace my identity. As someone from a developing country, I found a supportive community on board in an empowering journey!

  • Sailed As
  • DPM Preference
    Similar racial/ethnic group; International student; LGBTQIA++; High financial need
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Fall 2022
Talon Chase Smith
Talon Smith
University of Miami | Advertising
Talon Smith
University of Miami | Advertising

Pronouns: (He/Him)

Mixed-race postgrad student Talon (African-American, Jewish, Native American) joined the Spring 2022 voyage solo, financing it himself. His outgoing personality and efforts to connect with shipmates led to his feature on The College Tour’s SAS episode.

  • Sailed As
  • DPM Preference
    Similar racial/ethnic group; International student; Similar religious affiliation; High financial need; Veteran
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Fall 2022
Marley Noel
Marley Noel
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University | Art
Marley Noel
North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University | Art

Pronouns: (She/Her)

Marley sailed on the spring 2024 voyage with Semester at Sea and is currently a Senior at North Carolin A&T, an HBCU in North Carolina. She was the proud recipient of the HBCU scholarship for her voyage and looks forward to helping future SAS students!

  • Sailed As
  • DPM Preference
    Similar racial/ethnic group
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Spring 2024
Maddux Eckerling
Maddux Eckerling
San Francisco State University | Sociology
Maddux Eckerling
San Francisco State University | Sociology

Pronouns: (They/He)

I am a Sociology student in San Francisco, California. During my voyage, I had the privilege of sailing as a Chapman Scholar and co-leading the Jewish club (Jew Cruise). I loved participating in “gay global studies” a special identity-based post-port reflection for members of minority groups on board. I am someone who has been given the privilege of two passports, however, this did bring unexpected challenges. Some of my most cherished memories from SAS include the late-night games and early-morning field programs.

Ask me about:
Judaism on SAS
Queerness on SAS
Having two passports on SAS
Academic accommodations on SAS
Food allergies on SAS

  • Sailed As
  • DPM Preference
    Similar racial/ethnic group; International student; LGBTQIA++; Similar religious affiliation
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Fall 2024
Bella Thomas
Bella Thomas
University of North Carolina: Chapel Hill | Public Health
Bella Thomas
University of North Carolina: Chapel Hill | Public Health

Pronouns: (She/Her)

Hi! My name is Bella and I sailed Spring 2022. I grew up on military bases overseas, and transferred colleges twice, so I know very well what it is like to be in a new environment. Semester at Sea gave me lifelong friends as well as so many memories.

  • Sailed As
  • DPM Preference
    International student; Disability; First generation; High financial need; Veteran
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Spring 2022
Jennifer Morales
Jennifer Morales
University of Washington Seattle | Computer Science
Jennifer Morales
University of Washington Seattle | Computer Science

Pronouns: (She/Her)

I’m Jennifer from Washington State! I sailed during the Fall 2023 voyage. SAS felt like a far-reaching dream, but I pushed past the odds and pursued it. It transformed my life, built lifelong friendships, and widened my worldview!

  • Sailed As
  • DPM Preference
    Similar racial/ethnic group; First generation; High financial need
  • Alumni of Voyage
    Fall 2023
Kennedy Melton

Live in the moment.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Jordan and Kenya
Julie Alagna
Associate Director of Advancement
Julie Alagna
Associate Director of Advancement

Julie (she/her) began her journey with Semester at Sea as an undergraduate student on the Summer 2010 voyage. After earning her master’s degree, she started her career with ISE in August 2016 as Regional Director of Enrollment and University Relations. She then worked in independent school philanthropy for five years before her return to ISE in 2024 as Associate Director of Advancement.

Julie grew up in the United States and France, and has also lived in Thailand (and on the MV Explorer!). In her free time, Julie enjoys spending time with her family and two rescue dogs, going to concerts, meeting new people, cooking, skiing, traveling, and reading.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Julie earned her B.A. in Environmental Studies and French & Francophone Studies from Santa Clara University and her M.A. in International Higher Education and Intercultural Relations from Lesley University.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Depends on the day! Some favorites are New Zealand, Japan, and the Alps.
The logo for Semester at Sea
Austin Lastinger
Vice President, Investment Counselor, Bailard Wealth Management
Austin Lastinger
Vice President, Investment Counselor, Bailard Wealth Management

Austin sailed as a student on the Fall 2014 voyage while attending the University of San Diego. Austin earned a Bachelor’s of Business Administration in Finance with a minor in Non-Profit Leadership Studies from USD. Austin started at Bailard Wealth Management in 2016, working with individuals, families, and non-profits to help guide them along their financial journey and be a responsible steward of their capital. He is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® professional and Enrolled Agent, helping clients navigate a variety of financial situations. He previously served on the SAS Young Alumni Council and Alumni Association Board of Directors.

  • Comittee
  • SAS Connection
    Fall 2014
The logo for Semester at Sea
Michael Polenzani
Partner, KPMG LLP
Michael Polenzani
Partner, KPMG LLP

Mike is an audit partner in KPMG’s Orange County office with more than 25 years of experience providing financial statement audit and audit of internal control services, focusing on mid- to large-size SEC engagements, large private companies, venture-backed and private equity portfolio companies. Mike’s. Mike has travelled extensively including living and working in Bangkok, Thailand. Mike and his wife, Jamie, live in Newport Beach and have busy and active lives raising their 4 children. Mike graduated from the University of San Diego and is also a licensed CPA.

  • Committee
  • SAS Connection
    Sailed as a student on the Fall 95 voyage. My sister and brother sailed as students on the Fall 90 and Spring 93 voyages.
Kyla Hannan-Pulliams image
Kyla Hannan-Pulliams
Arizona State University | Education | Education
Kyla Hannan-Pulliams
Arizona State University | Education | Education

Soak in every moment on the ship, and never take any of it for granted. Whether it be studying alone, eating meals with friends, spending late nights watching movies or playing games, or even attending classes in a makeshift classroom, every single moment is invaluable.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    My top two favorite ports are Scotland and Malta!
Steven Multer
Steven Multer
University of Alabama | Education | Business Administration, Food & Beverage Management
Steven Multer
University of Alabama | Education | Business Administration, Food & Beverage Management

Go outside your comfort zone.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Spain and Croatia
Nicklaus Lindroth
Nicklaus Lindroth

You want to change in a way that the version of you at the start of the voyage would be proud of, keep an open heart and open mind as those are the keys to a memorable voyage. A new you is possible every day.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Spain and Vietnam
Amanda Lockett
Regional Director of Enrollment and University Relations (Southeast)
Amanda Lockett
Regional Director of Enrollment and University Relations (Southeast)

Admissions Region: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia

Amanda Lockett joined the ISE team in the fall of 2024. An avid runner, Amanda has completed nine half marathons and is training for her tenth. When she’s not recruiting students for Semester at Sea or running, she’s catching live concerts—she’s especially excited to see Oasis back together!

  • Home Base
    South Carolina
  • Education
    Amanda earned her BA from Oregon State University, and her M.s.Ed from Portland State University.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Lake Bled, Slovenia
Hailey Kathryn Jones
Hailey Jones

Stay open minded in creating friendships and connections on the ship as well as when you step into new countries and cultures. The world is your campus.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Vietnam
Margo Mills Deal
Margo Deal

Take advantage of every opportunity you are given while abroad. Prioritize making intentional, meaningful relationships with other voyagers and people you meet while in country.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Kenya
Loïc Samuel Boehler-Bosch
Loïc Boehler-Bosch
Concordia University, Quebec | Economics | Economics
Loïc Boehler-Bosch
Concordia University, Quebec | Economics | Economics

Journal, Journal, Journal. Research activities to do in each country as much as possible before boarding in order to be present during your limited time on SAS as well as avoid any Wi-Fi struggles on the boat.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Mozambique, India, and Ghana
Allison Hailey Ross
Allison Ross
Hawaii Pacific University | Law | Law
Allison Ross
Hawaii Pacific University | Law | Law

In the beginning, it can feel really overwhelming and scary but everything will fall into place and you will meet your people. Embrace the uncertainty.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Vietnam and Greece
Kaitlyn Corbin Ellis
Kaitlyn Ellis
University of Colorado: Boulder | Exercise Physiology | Exercise Physiology
Kaitlyn Ellis
University of Colorado: Boulder | Exercise Physiology | Exercise Physiology

Say yes to everything and take in every moment! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity so be sure to make the most of it!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Morocco
Kendra Reland Short
Kendra Short
University of Washington | Psychology | Psychology
Kendra Short
University of Washington | Psychology | Psychology

Always be open to new things, do things that scare you, do things outside of your comfort zone. Take every opportunity you possibly can!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Portugal and Croatia
Layla Leibell
University of Delaware | Family Resources & Human Development | Family Resources & Human Development
Layla Leibell
University of Delaware | Family Resources & Human Development | Family Resources & Human Development

If you have the opportunity to spend time with new people in every country do it because every new group you form, you find different qualities and interests that create a bond for life. Listen in countries more than you speak!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    India and Kenya
Tori Rose Eberhardt
Tori Eberhardt
University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa | Marketing | Marketing
Tori Eberhardt
University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa | Marketing | Marketing

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there! Get involved and make as many friends as you can.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Morocco
Ale Galarza
Ale Galarza
University of Hawaii: Manoa | Public Health | Public Health
Ale Galarza
University of Hawaii: Manoa | Public Health | Public Health

I would tell future voyagers to take in every small moment. The voyage goes by so fast and you want to make sure to enjoy every little moment!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Ghana
Sean Hickey
Sean Hickey
Florida International University | Disaster Management | Disaster Management
Sean Hickey
Florida International University | Disaster Management | Disaster Management

Take risks and go outside your comfort zone.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Vietnam and South Africa
Erin Gonzales
Erin Gonzales
University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa | Nursing | Nursing
Erin Gonzales
University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa | Nursing | Nursing

Be yourself! You will naturally make extraordinary global connections and find lifelong friends!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Morocco
Luke Thomas Bequette
Luke Bequette
University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa | Finance | Finance
Luke Bequette
University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa | Finance | Finance

It is better to go in not knowing anyone, as it will force you outside of your comfort zone. And growth happens outside of your comfort zone.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Morocco
Susan Elaine Hunt
Susan Hunt
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Social Work | Social Work
Susan Hunt
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Social Work | Social Work

Be present and push yourself out of your comfort zone always!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Morocco & Ghana
Alli Lee Kahlor
Alli Kahlor
University of Hawaii: Manoa | Environmental Studies | Environmental Studies
Alli Kahlor
University of Hawaii: Manoa | Environmental Studies | Environmental Studies

Be open and willing to learn and explore everything. Take risks and go out of your comfort zone, never be afraid to meet new people.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Ghana
Alyssa Prideaux
Colorado State University | Business Administration | Business Administration
Alyssa Prideaux
Colorado State University | Business Administration | Business Administration

Talk to as many people as you can, and venture out to the small towns to meet local people and have unique experiences!


  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Aqaba, Jordan and Dubrovnik, Croatia
Morgan Emmerling
Colorado State University | Family Resources & Human Development | Family Resources & Human Development
Morgan Emmerling
Colorado State University | Family Resources & Human Development | Family Resources & Human Development

Do things that scare you! Your voyage really is what you make it and slightly pushing outside of your comfort zone, both in port and on the ship, can transform your time from great to outstanding.


  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Croatia and Portugal
Arryanna Devine Rodrigues-Torres
Arryanna Rodrigues-Torres
Grand Valley State University | Biological Sciences | Biological Sciences
Arryanna Rodrigues-Torres
Grand Valley State University | Biological Sciences | Biological Sciences

Never say no! This once in a lifetime opportunity is what you make of it so try everything at least once!

  • Sailed As
  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Morocco and Kenya
Emily Lauren Schaefer
Emily Schaefer
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Business Administration | Business Administration
Emily Schaefer
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Business Administration | Business Administration

Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone, try new things, and meet new people!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Morocco and Kenya
Jade Avery Atkins
Jade Atkins
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | International Studies | International Studies
Jade Atkins
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | International Studies | International Studies

Keep your mind and heart open to new opportunities, and the trip will be life changing!!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Morocco and Kenya
Monika Alexis Korbusieski
Monika Korbusieski
Central Connecticut State University | International Studies | International Studies
Monika Korbusieski
Central Connecticut State University | International Studies | International Studies

Take every opportunity you get, even if it means getting out of your comfort zone!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Morocco
Sam Dylan Bergman
Sam Bergman
University of Colorado: Boulder | Advertising | Advertising
Sam Bergman
University of Colorado: Boulder | Advertising | Advertising

Say yes to everything, and make the most of your experience (it goes by way too fast).

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Morocco
Nabihah Nawaid
Nabihah Nawaid
University of Calgary – Haskayne School of Business | Finance | Finance
Nabihah Nawaid
University of Calgary – Haskayne School of Business | Finance | Finance

Time flies quickly on the voyage. Make the most of each experience while you can, say yes to everything and savor every moment.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Morocco
John Clayton Coon
John Coon
Chapman University | Business Administration | Business Administration
John Coon
Chapman University | Business Administration | Business Administration

Everyone is scared when they first go abroad; don’t be discouraged. You will meet people and you will have fun.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Malaysia
Katie Andrea Cruz
Katie Cruz
University of Virginia | Economics | Economics
Katie Cruz
University of Virginia | Economics | Economics

Take in every moment and cherish the connections and relationships you make throughout the voyage because before you know it will be over. SAS is truly life-changing and an experience you’ll never forget!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and South Africa
Rachel Elizabeth Schmidt
Rachel Schmidt
University of San Diego | Environmental Studies | Environmental Studies
Rachel Schmidt
University of San Diego | Environmental Studies | Environmental Studies

Find a good balance. Do all the fun things, but make sure to experience historical or educational aspects as well! Those are what really stick with you for life.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and South Africa
Carly Hannah Shindler
Carly Shindler
University of Wisconsin: Madison | Psychology | Psychology
Carly Shindler
University of Wisconsin: Madison | Psychology | Psychology

Do not let FOMO get in the way of your trip! Everyone on the ship will be doing so many awesome things and so will you— just take it all in and live in the moment!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Morocco and South Africa
Cate Elise Thompson
Cate Thompson
University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa | Tourism | Tourism
Cate Thompson
University of Alabama: Tuscaloosa | Tourism | Tourism

Say yes to everything! Take advantage of every opportunity, and soak up every moment with every person that you meet.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Thailand and Morocco
Erin Blaise Lewantowicz
Erin Lewantowicz
University of South Carolina: Columbia | Sport and Event Management | Sport and Event Management
Erin Lewantowicz
University of South Carolina: Columbia | Sport and Event Management | Sport and Event Management

Keep an open-mind throughout the entire experience and choose to be a part of every community you can be. Be excited for how your perspective will shift throughout the semester.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Morocco
Jamila Zoe Jones
Jamila Jones
University of Lynchburg | Communication Arts | Communication Arts
Jamila Jones
University of Lynchburg | Communication Arts | Communication Arts

Live in the moment and take advantage of every interaction and experience in port and on the ship. Have no regrets and enjoy the ride!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Morocco and South Africa
Marc Maegdefrau
Marc Maegdefrau
Technical University Munich (TUM): Technische Universität München | Engineering | Engineering
Marc Maegdefrau
Technical University Munich (TUM): Technische Universität München | Engineering | Engineering

Take every opportunity to meet new people, make friends, and join that experience you are afraid of. You can rest when you get back home.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Morocco
Molly Michelle Anthony
Molly Anthony
Arizona State University | Marketing | Marketing
Molly Anthony
Arizona State University | Marketing | Marketing

Say “yes” to all of the amazing opportunities that you encounter abroad. You never know who you may meet or what you will experience.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2024
  • Favorite Ports
    Morocco and Kenya
Bernie McCabe
Associate Director of Advancement
Bernie McCabe
Associate Director of Advancement

Bernie McCabe embarked on his journey as a global citizen during his Spring 2010 Voyage aboard the MV Explorer as a student. This transformative experience set him on a lifelong path of learning and cultural exploration. Bernie furthered his personal and professional growth with a year in Beijing and two years in Prague, immersing himself in diverse environments. Bernie, who joined ISE in 2013 within the Advancement department, is eager to reunite with the SAS Advancement team after more than ten years. He is excited to reconnect with the SAS community and contribute to its continued success. Outside of work, Bernie indulges his passions for art and literature, always engrossed in multiple books and working on new painting projects.


  • Home Base
  • Education
    Bernie earned his BA in International Studies from West Virginia University with minors in Geography and Chinese Studies.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    It’s a tie between Cape Town, Prague, and Hong Kong!
Cindy Zomchek
Enrollment Coordinator
Cindy Zomchek
Enrollment Coordinator
The logo for Semester at Sea
Neil Moriarty
Neil Moriarty
  • Committees
  • SAS Connection
Mara Karlin
Professor, John Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies; Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution
Mara Karlin
Professor, John Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies; Visiting Fellow, Brookings Institution

Mara Karlin, PhD sailed on Semester at Sea three times, including as a student in fall 1999 and as faculty in spring 2017 and spring 2024. She served in national security roles for 6 secretaries of defense across three administrations. As Asst. Secretary of Defense for Strategy, Plans, and Capabilities, she led the 2022 National Defense Strategy and advised the Secretary of Defense on forces, plans, posture, emerging capabilities, and security cooperation. She was Acting Asst. Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, leading DoD relations with nearly 150 countries. In the Obama and Bush administrations, she focused on strategic planning, defense policy and budgeting, future conflicts, and Middle East and Asian affairs. She was the Strategic Studies Director and an Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University-SAIS, and a Nonresident Senior Fellow at the Brookings  Institution. She is the author of two books on military history and defense policy. She earned an undergraduate degree from Tulane University and a master’s degree and Ph.D. in Strategic Studies from Johns Hopkins University’s School of Advanced International Studies.

  • Committees
    Governance & Nominating, Voyage Affairs
  • SAS Connection
    Student – Fall 199, Faculty – Spring 2017, Spring 2024
Tracey Osogo
Team Lead – Civic Engagement, the Centre for Multiparty Democracy Kenya
Tracey Osogo
Team Lead – Civic Engagement, the Centre for Multiparty Democracy Kenya

Tracey, is an international policy practitioner vastly experienced in multiparty democratic systems strengthening and meaningful governance. She has a BA (Magna cum laude) in International Relations, Security Studies, Peace & Conflict Transformation from Daystar University and an MPPA (Summa cum laude) in International Policy and Management from Colorado State University. The aspiring pracademic is passionate about community development and strongly believes in paying forward, exemplified in her community service track record including being the brains behind Sosiani Wasome, her brainchild project which equipped a public primary school in Kenya’s Great Rift Valley with a fully equipped modern library.

  • Committees
    Voyage Affairs
  • SAS Connection
    Tutu Ubuntu Scholar, Spring 2020 Voyage
Terrie Tran
UC Santa Barbara – Director of Residential Student Life
Terrie Tran
UC Santa Barbara – Director of Residential Student Life

Terrie is currently serving as the Past President of the Semester at Sea Alumni Association. Terrie sailed in Spring 2012 as a Resident Director and has remained involved in SAS ever since her voyage and job of a lifetime. On land, Terrie is the Director of Residential Student Life at UC Santa Barbara. Terrie’s passions lie in coaching staff, students and clients in using their strengths and values to get unstuck and to design the life they want. Terrie has a wellness coaching practice serving teenagers and women. Terrie is a Mental Health First Aid instructor and certifies MHFAiders in the Santa Barbara County and at UCSB. Terrie enjoys traveling, good food, live music, and the serene beach life in Carpinteria with her husband and their Jindo doggy Prince.

  • Committees
  • SAS Connection
    Spring 2012 – Resident Director (Staff); former Chapter Representative; current Past President of the Alumni Association
Jay Orris
Founder and Moderator, Peak to Peak Leadership
Jay Orris
Founder and Moderator, Peak to Peak Leadership

Jay and his wife Christy live in Boulder and are recent empty nesters with two sons in college. In his spare time, he is usually traveling, playing golf, or engaged in other athletic pursuits.

Jay and Christy founded Peak to Peak Leadership, which brings values-based leadership programs to students. He has served on boards or committees at Lead Colorado, Alexander Dawson School, Boulder Country Club, YMCA of Northern Colorado, Boulder Country Day School and SAS’s Alumni Association.

His career focused on brand management and acquisitions at companies including WhiteWave Foods, Horizon Organic, and General Mills. He earned an MBA from the Tuck School (Dartmouth College) and a BA in Biochem and Econ from Queen’s University. Jay grew up in Canada and worked in Japan before going to Tuck.

  • Committees
  • SAS Connection
    Sailed on F09, F12, S16 and S19 full voyages with my wife, two sons and father (ex ‘19) as Life Long Learners. Our boys were 5 & 6 in 2009.
Kelly Woodfine
Coordinator of International Field Programs
Kelly Woodfine
Coordinator of International Field Programs

Kelly joined the team at Semester at Sea in April 2024. She began her career working in international education at Texas A&M University, then spent five years at the University of Florida’s business school. During her tenure at UF, Kelly oversaw the core Europe programs, exchange programs, two student organizations, and she directed on-site activities in London in the summer of 2022.

As a dual U.S./U.K. citizen, Kelly’s love for all things international has been lifelong. She studied abroad in Spain and later interned there with the State Department. She also taught English in Italy and was part of a research group program to Tanzania. In her spare time, Kelly is a group fitness enthusiast! She enjoys outdoor activities, dogs, crafting, reading, breweries, friends, and watching British TV and RuPaul’s Drag Race.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Kelly earned both her MA in Spanish (Linguistics) and her BA in Linguistics, Spanish, and International Studies (Europe) from the University of Florida.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    England – her second home!
Marion K. Underwood
Provost and Executive Vice President, Colorado State University
Marion K. Underwood
Provost and Executive Vice President, Colorado State University

Provost and Executive Vice President Marion K. Underwood is Colorado State University’s Chief Academic Officer and second in command within the University’s administration under President Amy Parsons. In addition to the Office of the Provost’s broad scope of vice provost reporting areas and key student and faculty success initiatives, Dr. Underwood oversees the deans of all eight academic colleges, the Libraries, and Graduate School; the offices of the Vice President for Research and the Vice President for Student Affairs; and the Office of the Chair of the Faculty Council.

Caroline Manning
Boise State University | Marketing | Marketing
Caroline Manning
Boise State University | Marketing | Marketing

Never close yourself off from making new friends on the ship. Treat every day as if it’s your first day on the ship because there is always a new face that could become your lifelong friend.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Vietnam and Greece
Amber Ayyad
University of California: Los Angeles | Economics | Economics
Amber Ayyad
University of California: Los Angeles | Economics | Economics

My biggest piece of advice is to go in with an open mindset and to really trust in the process. Push yourself out of your comfort zone when it comes to meeting new people, eating new foods, going new places, and exploring new cultures.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Cape Town and Ho Chi Minh City
Javier Merino
Middlebury College | Economics | Economics
Javier Merino
Middlebury College | Economics | Economics

For future voyagers, it is crucial to embrace adaptability and the ever-changing nature of travel. Additionally, it’s important to live fully in the present moment, absorbing and learning from the unique experiences that each new place and culture offers.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Mauritius and Vietnam
Caeley Johnson
San Diego State University | Marketing & International Studies | International Studies, Marketing
Caeley Johnson
San Diego State University | Marketing & International Studies | International Studies, Marketing

Say yes to everything and become friends with everyone. Soak in every moment and watch every sunset!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Jordan, Portugal, and Croatia
Aida Agic
Methodist University | Computer Science | Computer Science
Aida Agic
Methodist University | Computer Science | Computer Science

Enjoy every moment of this unique experience, take a lot of pictures, and always say yes to new adventures!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Malaysia and Spain
Amanda Nguyen
California Polytechnic State University: San Luis Obispo | Tourism | Tourism
Amanda Nguyen
California Polytechnic State University: San Luis Obispo | Tourism | Tourism

Definitely go in with an open mind. Don’t be hesitant to meet/ travel with new people even towards the end – you never know who you’ll meet!

  • Sailed As
  • Sailed As
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Cape Town, Vietnam, and Greece
Ryan Giordano
University of California: San Diego | Art | Art
Ryan Giordano
University of California: San Diego | Art | Art

When in country, try to get out of your comfort zone to have new experiences that you wouldn’t have when you are at home. Travel with different people in each of the countries to have unique memories and different experiences.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Greece and Vietnam
Elizabeth Hazard
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Environmental Studies | Environmental Studies
Elizabeth Hazard
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Environmental Studies | Environmental Studies

Embrace the unexpected, no matter how many challenges you face there is always something amazing to be gained. Today is your day, and oh the places you’ll go!

  • Sailed As
  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Cape Town, South Africa and Penang, Malaysia
Ivan Vuong
University of Calgary | Business Administration | Business Administration
Ivan Vuong
University of Calgary | Business Administration | Business Administration

Don’t waste another second traveling with the wonders sixty seconds can hold.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Greece and South Africa
Caroline Morand
Trident Technical College | Undecided | Undecided
Caroline Morand
Trident Technical College | Undecided | Undecided

Don’t be afraid to go out of your comfort zone, take the risk and don’t have any regrets.

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Greece and South Africa
Ryan Stanton
University of California: Irvine | Business Administration | Business Administration
Ryan Stanton
University of California: Irvine | Business Administration | Business Administration

Get involved and branch out on the ship. I met some of my best friends within the last month, so never close yourself off to new experiences and opportunities.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Vietnam
Siddhi Patel
Oregon State University | Marketing | Marketing
Siddhi Patel
Oregon State University | Marketing | Marketing

Travel with as many people as you can while on the voyage.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Malta and Vietnam
Morgan Sicard
University of Kentucky | Political Science | Political Science
Morgan Sicard
University of Kentucky | Political Science | Political Science

I would tell them to say yes to every opportunity! I would also tell them to be flexible some unforeseen changes end up creating the best memories!!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Malta
Taye Toliver
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Health Sciences | Health Sciences
Taye Toliver
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Health Sciences | Health Sciences

Embrace the opportunity to learn not only from textbooks but from the diverse cultures you’ll encounter during Semester at Sea, fostering a global perspective that extends beyond the classroom.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa
Miranda Fogel
University of California: Los Angeles | Political Science | Political Science
Miranda Fogel
University of California: Los Angeles | Political Science | Political Science

Get ready to expand your horizons academically and personally as you navigate the world. Take advantage of every moment and opportunity that comes to you.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Vietnam and Thailand
Elli Heinzelmann
Georgia State University | Education | Education
Elli Heinzelmann
Georgia State University | Education | Education

Make the voyages yours and try to create as many memories as you can. Sign up for clubs, have meals with different people but most importantly: enjoy your time on the ship!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Malaysia and South Africa
Kerry McKeon
Miami University: Oxford | Environmental Studies | Environmental Studies
Kerry McKeon
Miami University: Oxford | Environmental Studies | Environmental Studies

Enjoy every second on and off the ship it goes by so fast! Try everything you won’t regret it.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Vietnam
Kaitlyn Schreiber
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Health Sciences | Health Sciences
Kaitlyn Schreiber
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Health Sciences | Health Sciences

Take every opportunity to experience absolutely everything you can, even if it’s scary.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa & Malaysia
Blakeley Bennett
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Tourism | Tourism
Blakeley Bennett
Colorado State University: Fort Collins | Tourism | Tourism

Make the most of every experience as early as you can! Time really flies on the voyage, so if you want to try anything, don’t hesitate, and have fun!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Cape Town, South Africa & Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Morgan Klick
University of Tampa | Criminology | Criminology
Morgan Klick
University of Tampa | Criminology | Criminology

Enjoy the unexpected parts of the journey! They might end up being you’re favorite part.

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Malaysia
Katie Henderson
Western Colorado University | Communication Arts | Communication Arts
Katie Henderson
Western Colorado University | Communication Arts | Communication Arts

Try to really put yourself out there. You don’t know until you try! I was worried about not finding my people and I found them. You will find your people, I promise!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Jordan and Croatia
Mikayla Renzi
The College of New Jersey | Psychology | Psychology
Mikayla Renzi
The College of New Jersey | Psychology | Psychology

Make sure to journal because every second of your experience goes by too quick!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Malaysia
Wamiek Greene
Morehouse College | Communication Studies | Communication Studies
Wamiek Greene
Morehouse College | Communication Studies | Communication Studies

While on Semester at Sea, don’t limit yourself to one travel group. You’ll make more meaningful memories just by saying yes to that random friend you have class with.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Spain
Alexus Neal
Pittsburg State University | Education | Education
Alexus Neal
Pittsburg State University | Education | Education

One day all of these moments will be memories, so enjoy every single second!!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Vietnam
Makayla Scharf
University of Kentucky | Kinesiology | Kinesiology
Makayla Scharf
University of Kentucky | Kinesiology | Kinesiology

Take pictures and videos!! No matter the situation, you’ll want to look back on those memories after your voyage is over.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Malta and Vietnam
Noelle Chandler
Oregon State University | Chemistry | Chemistry
Noelle Chandler
Oregon State University | Chemistry | Chemistry

Cherish every moment of the voyage and journal everything about the voyage, it is a souvenir that you can’t buy.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Malaysia
Madison Barker
James Madison University | Education | Education
Madison Barker
James Madison University | Education | Education

Live in the moment and enjoy every second. Even if you don’t go somewhere you were supposed to it will end up being so worth it.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Vietnam
Alex Perry
University of Southern Indiana | Finance & Accounting | Accounting, Finance
Alex Perry
University of Southern Indiana | Finance & Accounting | Accounting, Finance

Be open to as many new experiences and relationships as possible.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Cape Town, South Africa and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Nicole Markus
Northwestern University | Journalism | Journalism
Nicole Markus
Northwestern University | Journalism | Journalism

Don’t take any moment for granted, both on the ship and in port! Go to every yoga, every snack night and every fun thing with your friends!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Vietnam
Mia Basile
Clackamas Community College | Undecided | Undecided
Mia Basile
Clackamas Community College | Undecided | Undecided

Build a community and learn from each other and the experience!

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    South Africa and Greece
Adeline Picker
University of California, Santa Barbara | Political Science | Political Science
Adeline Picker
University of California, Santa Barbara | Political Science | Political Science

Enjoy every second and don’t be afraid to try new things! The best parts of Semester at Sea come from keeping an open mind!

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Spain
Grace Beecher
East Tennessee State University | Psychology | Psychology
Grace Beecher
East Tennessee State University | Psychology | Psychology

It’s ok to be nervous however how can you fully go into this experience without some nerves. Everyone is nervous just be yourself and you will find your people

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Malta and Greece
Reece Livingstone
Montana State University: Bozeman | Microbiology (Pre-med) & Photography | Microbiology, Photography
Reece Livingstone
Montana State University: Bozeman | Microbiology (Pre-med) & Photography | Microbiology, Photography

Allow an open mind and heart to lead you through the unknown and you will reveal a new version of yourself you never knew you had… the only way to find what is possible is to say yes and take the leap!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Jordan
Jack Tobin
Villanova University | Comprehensive Sciences | Comprehensive Sciences
Jack Tobin
Villanova University | Comprehensive Sciences | Comprehensive Sciences

Say yes to things! You’ll know if you like something if you try it! Just smile and be yourself and you’ll have an amazing time!

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Greece and India
Emily Gedalje

Become comfortable with the uncomfortable! Embrace changes!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Greece and Malaysia
Addie Schulz
University of California: Los Angeles | Environmental Studies | Environmental Studies
Addie Schulz
University of California: Los Angeles | Environmental Studies | Environmental Studies

Try to push yourself out of your comfort zone to try every possible experience, meet as many people as you can, and soak in all the days on the ship. Live in the moment and focus on the life changing adventure in front of you, you won’t regret it!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Greece and South Africa
Blair Klumpyan
Director, Alumni and Donor Relations
Blair Klumpyan
Director, Alumni and Donor Relations

Before joining ISE, Blair spent eight years working in higher education philanthropy at the University of Houston, and more recently at South Texas College of Law Houston. Prior to her time in higher education, Blair worked for the Houston Golf Association, utilizing her golf background as she was a member of the women’s golf team at the University of Oregon. In her free time, Blair and her husband enjoy traveling, hiking, skiing, playing golf, wine tasting and eating all the delicious food Texas has to offer.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Blair earned her B.S. in Business Administration with a concentration in Sports Marketing from the University of Oregon and her M.A. in Higher Education Administration from Sam Houston State University.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
Sydney McKim
Annual Giving Coordinator
Sydney McKim
Annual Giving Coordinator

Sydney McKim (she/her) joined ISE in November of 2023. Over the past few years, Sydney has worked for various nonprofits, contributing both to fundraising initiatives and working directly with clients in need. Sydney is thrilled to direct her passion for positive change toward higher education. Drawing inspiration from her own transformative experience studying abroad in Denmark, she is dedicated to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to study abroad. Sydney holds certificates in Fundraising Copywriting and Digital Fundraising from the Institute of Sustainable Philanthropy. Outside of work, Sydney finds joy in exploration—whether discovering new places, hiking scenic trails with her two dogs, or kayaking in the great outdoors.


  • Home Base
  • Education
    Sydney earned her BS in Psychology from the University of Wyoming and a AA in Social Work from Laramie County Community College
  • Favorite Travel Destination
Mia Čančarević
Enrollment Marketing Manager

Mia Čančarević is originally from Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina. Prior to joining the ISE team in 2023, she worked at Valencia College in Orlando, Florida. In her most recent role, Mia served as the Director of International Student Recruitment where she was responsible for international student recruitment, marketing, and communication. She also served on the board of the Study Florida state consortium. Mia is skilled in linguistics and is fluent in several languages. In her spare time she is engaged in the archaeology field; she has excavated on seven separate missions in N. Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Egypt, and Belize. Mia loves to travel; she has travelled to over 25 countries.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Mia earned her MA in History of Art and Architecture from Boston University and her BFA in Art History with minor in Classical Studies from the University of Florida
  • Favorite Travel Destination
The logo for Semester at Sea
Rick Miranda
Professor of Mathematics and Executive Vice President, Colorado State University
Rick Miranda
Professor of Mathematics and Executive Vice President, Colorado State University
James L. Hamilton
Corporate and Non Profit Board Director & Investor
James L. Hamilton
Corporate and Non Profit Board Director & Investor

Jim is currently an Investor and an Independent Director of Ingram Industries and FTAI Infrastructure. Jim retired in 2020 as Global Head of Transportation Investment Banking for JP Morgan after a 34-year career on Wall Street leading high-performing Global Transportation Investment Banking teams covering clients in the Shipping, Cruise Line, Transportation, Aviation and Logistics sectors. Before heading to Wall St, Jim sailed on deep sea coastwise and foreign trades as a Deck Officer with Gulf Oil Corporation, raising his license to Chief Mate. Jim was also a LTCDR in the US Naval Reserve. Prior to this, Jim received a B.S. from the US Merchant Marine Academy and an MBA from NYU Graduate School of Business. Jim and his wife Debra live on the Southern Outer Banks in North Carolina.

  • Committees
    Future Ship Task Force (Ad Hoc)
  • SAS Connection
    Maritime Industry
TJ Hill
Regional Director of Enrollment and University Relations (Central)
TJ Hill
Regional Director of Enrollment and University Relations (Central)

Admissions Region: Arkansas, Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska,  New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas,  Wisconsin, Wyoming, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota

TJ embarked on his journey with SAS in 2017, sailing on the Fall 2017 voyage as a student. Having had a truly memorable experience on the ship, he returned to ISE in 2023 to join the Enrollment team. Having embarked on various international adventures and experiential learning, TJ is passionate about building strong relationships with institutional partners and supporting students in their study abroad journey. In his free time TJ enjoys working out, playing video games, watching football (Go Chargers!), working on his travel blog, and spending quality time with his family and friends.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    TJ earned a BA in Psychology from the University of San Diego.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Spain and Japan
Christine Weiler
Senior Regional Director of Enrollment & University Relations (Northeast)
Christine Weiler
Senior Regional Director of Enrollment & University Relations (Northeast)

Admissions Region: Connecticut, Delaware, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington D.C., West Virginia, 

Christine began her career at Semester at Sea | ISE in the fall of 2023. After spending a semester abroad in Meknes, Morocco she knew that she wanted to help students go on these life-changing experiences. Previous to joining SAS, she was Assistant Director of Education Abroad at Temple University, responsible for overseeing an inclusive and holistic approach to pre-departure advising. She has spent the last 8 years in a variety of positions at both providers and universities helping to prepare students for their study abroad experiences. Christine will be based in the northeast region engaging with university partners and students to share the incredible journey that is Semester at SEA.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Christine earned her BA in International Studies from College of Charleston.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Definitely a tie between Morocco, Norway, and Spain!
Marin Maxwell
Regional Director of Enrollment & University Relations (West)
Marin Maxwell
Regional Director of Enrollment & University Relations (West)

Admissions Region: Alaska, Arizona, **California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada,  Oregon,  Utah,  Washington
*CANADA, LATIN AMERICA  **except: San Diego and San Luis Obispo

Marin (she/her) first learned about SAS while completing her degree at Colorado State University and was immediately intrigued. While she was unable to sail as a student, she did complete a study abroad program in New Zealand and experienced firsthand (though on a smaller scale) the value of immersive international study. She has been with ISE since 2023, but prior to ISE, Marin worked in International Admissions for a local Florida college. She has worked a handful of other unique jobs including working at both Disney World and Universal Studios, working on a dude ranch in Colorado, and guiding wine tours in Washington State. In her free time, Marin enjoys visiting her family in the Seattle area, eating her way through Central Florida with her husband, and loves spending time with their two rescue cats!

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Marin received her B.S. in Agricultural Business from Colorado State University, and her M.A. in Global Community Engagement from the University of Denver.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Lofoten Islands, Norway or Queenstown, New Zealand
Rumen Fudulov
Chief Engineer
Rumen Fudulov
Chief Engineer

Chief Rumen was born in 1972 in Dobrich, a small town near the Black Sea Coast.His parents had a very nice small summer house on the coast, where they would spend sunny weekends. It was at this house that Rumen would watch big ships pass by and had one question in his mind, “How [does that] big thing move without sails?” Rumen and his older brother would race around the coast on boats. In 2005 Rumen joined the MV Explorer and SAS program as Second Engineer. In 2012 Rumen took over the Chief Engineer position and continues work on Semester at Sea’s current ship, the World Odyssey.

Chief Rumen enjoys traveling, photography, playing football with his son, and sometimes gardening. When at home, he spends time with friends and colleagues, and discusses political events and local issues.

  • Education
    Naval Academy (Engineering Profile)
Panos Stathopoulos
Chief Engineer
Panos Stathopoulos
Chief Engineer

Chief Panos was born and raised in Piraeus, Greece. Coming from a seafaring family, it’s no surprise that he chose the same path. His first sea voyage came at 17 years of age, and on a summer break from school he worked as an engine wiper in a cargo ship for three months. He is a self-confessed mechanical junkie and the smell & sound of the ship’s engines after this trip hit him hard.

Chief Panos joined the Semester at Sea in October 2019 to fulfill his dream to circumnavigate the globe in a single voyage. When not at sea, Chief Panos lives with his wife, two children and their dog in the suburbs of Athens, Greece. Chief Panos loves traveling around Greece and is an avid motorcycle enthusiast. He is often found at the beach riding the Aegean waves on his favorite Stand Up Paddle.

  • Education
    Merchant Marine Academy of Aspropyrgos
Alican Öncül
Staff Captain
Alican Öncül
Staff Captain

Alican Öncül is an adventurous, highly motivated, seasoned Master Mariner with 15 years of sea experience, renowned for exceptional performance under pressure. Adept at dynamic leadership, quick decision-making, and strict adherence to regulations. He specializes in passenger ship safety, navigating polar regions, and compliance with ISM, SOLAS, and ISPS standards. Collaborative experience with Flag State, Classification Societies, US Coast Guard, and Port State Control. Versatile background includes bulk cargo, cruise, luxury mega yachts, expedition, and luxury cruise ships. Alican is eager to contribute leadership and excellence in a company that values continuous improvement.

  • Education
    • Istanbul Technical University • Master License (II/2 Unlimited) • Yacht Master (Unlimited) • GMDSS GOC • STCW Basic Safety
Jan Christiansen
Jan Christiansen

Jan Christiansen is a Captain and Mariner Pilot with 10+ years’ experience  in the shipping industry, renowned for exemplary leadership, team management, and communication skills. Holding an impressive array of maritime qualifications, including STCW Master Unlimited and ISM Auditor, this seasoned professional has navigated diverse roles, from commanding containerships worldwide to piloting vessels through challenging waters like the Kiel Canal. With a foundation in Electrical Engineering, his dedication extends beyond the sea. Christiansen’s commitment to maritime excellence is reflected in his continual learning and dedication to safety. In his free time, Christiansen likes to keep active by traveling, taking part in water sports like sailing and waterskiing.

  • Education
    • STCW Master Unlimited • STCW GOC Unlimited • STCW95 Basic Safety, Advance Fire, Rescue Boats, SSO. • Polar Code • ISM Auditor • MRM all courses (Swedish Club Part 1-3) • Manned Model Course for Ship handling • Train the Trainer • Various other maritime Courses
Heather Wisniewski
Vice President for Advancement
Heather Wisniewski
Vice President for Advancement

Heather Wisniewski is an advancement professional with more than 20 years of experience supporting two prominent nonprofits. She joins ISE after 16 years at the National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) and almost nine years at The Nature Conservancy (TNC). At NOLS, she most recently served as the Chief Advancement Officer, while at TNC, she held various leadership positions in fundraising, including Director of Philanthropy for Global Priorities.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Wisniewski earned her B.S. in Outdoor Adventure Education at Northland College in Wisconsin and has an M.P.A. from Bay Path University in Nonprofit Management and Philanthropy.
MaryKatherine Riley
University of San Diego | Neuroscience | Neuroscience
MaryKatherine Riley
University of San Diego | Neuroscience | Neuroscience

Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone and try new things; being bold with new experiences is a great way to create meaningful connections with others and learn more about yourself too!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Jordan and Portugal
Isabella Woodrow
University of Pittsburgh | Business Administration | Business Administration
Isabella Woodrow
University of Pittsburgh | Business Administration | Business Administration

Don’t feel pressured to do or be someone you’re not. This is your voyage and you should always do what you truly want to do!

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Croatia and Spain
Pamela Arjona
Boston University | Political Science | Political Science
Pamela Arjona
Boston University | Political Science | Political Science

This experience can completely transform you, but you have to be open to change. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and see the world!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Portugal
Shelby Sjoblom
Western Washington University | Biological Sciences | Biological Sciences
Shelby Sjoblom
Western Washington University | Biological Sciences | Biological Sciences

Try not to focus so hard on capturing every moment through photos or videos, even though those are fun to have, but make sure you are living each moment as well. The time on and off the ship is truly special and one of a kind, so don’t forget to embrace each moment and make all the memories you can.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Portugal and Jordan
Cassidy Cook
The University of Notre Dame | International Studies | International Studies
Cassidy Cook
The University of Notre Dame | International Studies | International Studies

Don’t be afraid to reach out and expand your horizons! The best experiences and memories come from the people and places you least expect.

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Spain
Taylor Shedrick
North Carolina A&T | Journalism | Journalism
Taylor Shedrick
North Carolina A&T | Journalism | Journalism

Don’t be afraid to not have a plan! Sometimes the best experiences are when you happen do things spontaneously!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Morocco
William Bautista Corcios
University of Richmond | International Business | International Business
William Bautista Corcios
University of Richmond | International Business | International Business

Get involved in local activities as much as you can, it can be a great time!

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Spring 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Cyprus and Spain
Lily Darwaza
San Diego State University | Journalism | Journalism
Lily Darwaza
San Diego State University | Journalism | Journalism

If you weren’t ready, the opportunity wouldn’t be given to you. Don’t be afraid to live life outside of your comfort zone!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Jordan and Morocco
Anthony Taormina
Chief Investment Officer, Armo Corporation
Anthony Taormina
Chief Investment Officer, Armo Corporation

Anthony manages investment operations for his Family Office, Armo Corporation, which invests in reliable income producing assets that align with its ultra-conservative investment criteria. Anthony holds a background in Finance and is working toward becoming a CFA charterholder. He graduated from the Leeds School of Business at the University of Colorado at Boulder in May 2016.

Anthony holds past experience as an Account Executive, Season Ticket Sales for both the Denver Nuggets and the Colorado Avalanche, and enjoys travel and recreation activities while spending time with loved ones. Anthony joined as a board member in May 2024 as part of the Finance Committee and Investment Committee. Anthony is determined to help grow and spread the word about this life changing program, Semester At Sea!

  • Committees
    Finance, Investment
  • SAS Connection
    Anthony sailed in Spring of 2015 alongside his brother, Michael. His sister, Desiree, sailed in 2004, as well as his father, Vince, who sailed in 1975.
The logo for Semester at Sea
Lily Gellman
Tulane University | Communication Arts
Lily Gellman
Tulane University | Communication Arts

Spend as much time outside of your room as possible! Cherish every sunset and sunrise.

  • Sailed as
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Croatia and Kenya
Samantha Ghantous
University of Utah | Art | Art
Samantha Ghantous
University of Utah | Art | Art

To go into your voyage with open eyes and to not be afraid to meet new people and try new things!

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Portugal and Croatia
The logo for Semester at Sea
Sophia Hein
Saginaw Valley State University | Education
Sophia Hein
Saginaw Valley State University | Education

My advice is to soak in every experience you have while on SAS and make sure to do the things you want to do in each country even if it’s not what your friends are doing.

  • Sailed as
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Spain and Greece.
Lauren Johnson
Hawaii Pacific University | Marketing | Marketing
Lauren Johnson
Hawaii Pacific University | Marketing | Marketing

If you have the opportunity to see the world on the MV World Odyssey, don’t take anything for granted. Make sure that you open yourself to meet new people, experience new things, and give yourself a chance to find yourself along the way.

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Spring 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Croatia and France
Amalia Kaplanis
University of Mississippi | Business Administration | Business Administration
Amalia Kaplanis
University of Mississippi | Business Administration | Business Administration

Do everything! No regrets!

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Spring 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Malta and Spain
Kirk Mowl
University of Florida | International Business | International Business
Kirk Mowl
University of Florida | International Business | International Business

Let the voyage be a voyage into your new life, one filled with endless possibilities.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Cyprus and Portugal
The logo for Semester at Sea
Grace Paynter
Point Loma Nazarene University | Business Administration
Grace Paynter
Point Loma Nazarene University | Business Administration

I would tell future voyagers to enjoy every second they are on Semester at Sea. It flies by so fast and you can get so wrapped up in everything, so take time to slow down and enjoy every little moment.

  • Sailed as
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Croatia and Portugal!
Cameron Pepper
Georgian College | Business Administration | Business Administration
Cameron Pepper
Georgian College | Business Administration | Business Administration

My advice is to research the ports you are going to and the excursions available, but leave room open because you will meet some awesome people who will also have great ideas.

  • Sailed As
    Gap Year
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    My two favourite ports were Morocco and Croatia.
The logo for Semester at Sea
Rosalynn Reinke
Miami University | Education
Rosalynn Reinke
Miami University | Education

“Faces shape places.” Human connections shape our world. Be open minded and listen to others, genuinely listen to others. Through that, you will learn so much about others, the world, and yourself.

  • Sailed as
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Croatia and India
Samantha Sabutis
University of Alabama | Education | Education
Samantha Sabutis
University of Alabama | Education | Education

This voyage can come with discomfort and fear, but those two things can make the best friendships and memories. Step outside your bubble and never go back inside.

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Jordan
The logo for Semester at Sea
Grace VanHooser
University of Georgia | Political Science
Grace VanHooser
University of Georgia | Political Science

Do it all!! Even if something seems scary, I promise, the memories will far outweigh the fear!

  • Sailed as
  • Voyage
    Spring 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Greece and Croatia
Eliza Warlita Wenger
Chapman University | English | English
Eliza Warlita Wenger
Chapman University | English | English

Travel with different people as often as you can!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Kenya and Croatia
Reagan Campbell
Auburn University | Neuroscience | Neuroscience
Reagan Campbell
Auburn University | Neuroscience | Neuroscience

Keep an open mind and live in the moment every second of the voyage!!

  • Sailed As
  • Voyage
    Fall 2022
  • Favorite Ports
    Croatia and Morocco
The logo for Semester at Sea
Stephen Atwell
Methodist University | Economics
Stephen Atwell
Methodist University | Economics

You should not be afraid to do new things, but equally you should not be afraid to turn people down… You may learn much more by following your intuition than by trying to preempt your peers.

  • Sailed as
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Dubrovnik and Lisbon
The logo for Semester at Sea
Hope Allen
Valdosta State University | Sociology
Hope Allen
Valdosta State University | Sociology

Always have an open mind to think differently than what you were accustomed to. This experience will expand your perspective in so many different ways, so welcoming that is a good thing!

  • Sailed as
  • Voyage
    Spring 2023
  • Favorite Ports
    Cyprus and Croatia
The logo for Semester at Sea
Amanda Davidson
Director of Student Affairs
Amanda Davidson
Director of Student Affairs

Amanda (she/ella) began working for ISE in 2023. Amanda is responsible for working collaboratively with the Vice President of Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, and operations to plan and execute Semester at Sea’s co-curricular program. Amanda supports the voyage on-ship team to enhance the residential and co-curricular experience while coordinating the selection, orientation, and training of future voyage teams, including overseeing community standards for each voyage. Amanda sailed in Spring 2022 as a Resident Director. Prior to her involvement with Semester at Sea, Amanda worked as an Administrator at California State University, Fullerton. Amanda and her partner, Henoc, love to travel the world, kayak on the Mississippi River in their backyard, and watch too much of “The Real Housewives.”

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Amanda earned a M.S. in Educational Leadership from California State University, Fullerton; a B.S. in Psychology from California Lutheran University; and a A.S. in Psychology from College of Southern Nevada.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Mexico and South Africa
Chanel Watson
Manager Brand & Program Marketing, Showtime Networks
Chanel Watson
Manager Brand & Program Marketing, Showtime Networks

Chanel Watson is a Brand and Program Marketing Manager at Showtime Networks specializing in consumer marketing and brand strategy tactics to promote Showtime’s original programming. Her previous experience in the media industry includes roles at Complex Networks and BET. Currently serving as an Advisory Committe Member among the Marketing and Recruiting Committee, she hopes to help bring more awareness of the Semester at Sea program to HBCUs, and provide opportunities for BIPOC students to take advantage of the voyage she claims is “An experience of a lifetime.”

Chanel was born in Washington D.C. and raised in Maryland until leaving home to attend Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Mass Communications with a focus on Strategic Communications and a minor in Entrepreneurship. After moving to begin her career in New York City, Chanel attended The New School to receive her Master of Science in Media Management. In the meantime, she enjoys continuing to travel with her old Semester at Sea friends, creating music playlist, and kickboxing!

  • Committees
    Voyage Revenue
  • SAS Connection
    It was during undergrad that Chanel first joined Semester at Sea during the Fall 2015 voyage, then returned for the Spring 2017 voyage; both time serving as a Global Journalism & Integrated Communications fellow.
Khanh T. Tran
Khanh T. Tran
  • Committees
  • SAS Connection
The logo for Semester at Sea
Paul Tapper
Paul Tapper
  • Committees
  • SAS Connection
Sahil Saini
Sahil Saini
  • Committees
    Future Ship Task Force (Ad Hoc)
  • SAS Connection
Kirk Lacob
Executive Vice President, Basketball Operations, Golden State Warriors
Kirk Lacob
Executive Vice President, Basketball Operations, Golden State Warriors

Kirk loves sports, family time, and learning. Kirk still regularly plays basketball (often at San Quentin State Penitentiary) and enjoys time with his wife and twin boys.

He received a BA in Science, Technology, and Society. Technical Depth – Management Science and Engineering Stanford Unversity, 2010

  • Committees
    Voyage Affairs
  • SAS Connection
    Fall 2008 Voyage
Paige Ensor
Corporate Strategist, IBM
Paige Ensor
Corporate Strategist, IBM

Paige Ensor is a five-year alumnus of the University of Colorado at Boulder and a Spring 2017 Semester at Sea voyager. Upon graduation, she moved to New York City to work for IBM, where she is currently employed as a Corporate Strategist. In addition to her corporate experience, Paige is also the Founder & CEO of MarqUP Brands, a small but mighty marketing services and consulting firm with expertise in non-profit and new business development. Paige joined the ISE/Semester at Sea Board of Trustees as an advisor in January 2023 and is a passionate contributor to the overall ISE/SAS mission.

  • Committees
    Voyage Revenue
  • SAS Connection
    Spring 2017 Voyage
Shaun Crisler
Associate Provost for Student Development, Le Moyne College
Shaun Crisler
Associate Provost for Student Development, Le Moyne College

Shaun N. Crisler (He/Him/His) has been committed to higher education and student success as a professional for 15 years and currently serves as the Associate Provost for Student Development at Le Moyne College. Shaun has spent much of his career in housing and residence life working in areas of communication, human resources, staff selection, training and development, and occupancy.

Shaun actively writes and presents on topics such as professional development, career planning, intercultural competence, assessment, and professional recruitment/selection. He also serves as an external reviewer in the ACUHO-I Standards and Middle States Accreditation process.

Shaun holds a B.S. in Biology, a M.Ed. in Adult Education from Northern Illinois University (NIU), and a MIRHR in Labor Relations and Human Resources from The Ohio State University (OSU). Shaun is a Society for Human Resource Management Senior Certified Professional (SHRM – SCP).

  • Committees
    Governance & Nominating, Voyage Affairs
  • SAS Connection
    He sailed as a student on the Fall 2000 voyage and returned as the Assistant Dean of Students for two summer voyages: SUM09 and SUM12. Shaun served as the Assistant Executive Dean on the SP18 voyage and as Executive Dean on the SP22 Voyage.
Janice Nerger
Interim Provost, VP of Academic Affairs, Colorado State University
Janice Nerger
Interim Provost, VP of Academic Affairs, Colorado State University

Janice Nerger serves as the Provost and VP of Academic Affairs at Colorado State University. She received her Ph.D. from UC San Diego and joined the faculty at Colorado State University after a two-year postdoc position at NASA/Ames Research Center and SRI International. She is internationally recognized for her research on human color perception which has resulted in numerous publications and presentations and recognition from the Rank Prize Foundation, the National Research Council, and the National Science Foundation. Dr. Nerger is passionate about student and employee success and is known across campus for her high standards, ethical leadership, and integrity. She has not yet sailed on a Semester at Sea voyage but hopes to do so soon!

  • SAS Connection
    Colorado State University Partnership
The logo for Semester at Sea
Jill Hurd
Retired Executive Director, Residential & Community Living, U.C. Santa Barbara
Jill Hurd
Retired Executive Director, Residential & Community Living, U.C. Santa Barbara

Jill has been involved with SAS for over 40 years, having sailed 6 times in staff positions. Her family sailed four of those times, something for which she is grateful. Her career in student affairs/housing at U.C. Santa Barbara ran parallel to her involvement with SAS. She recently retired from UCSB and picked up her involvement with the SAS Alumni Association once again. She currently serves as the past-president of the Alumni Association, and is interested in bridging the Alumni Association, home office and the Board of Trustees to build an even stronger overall program.

  • Committee
  • SAS Connection
    Jill’s 6 voyages spanned 3 academic institutions and 3 ships, starting in 1982 through 2017 While the travels have certainly been magnificent, it’s the shipboard community that she truly loves.
Blanche Hughes
Vice President for Student Affairs, Colorado State University
Blanche Hughes
Vice President for Student Affairs, Colorado State University

Dr. Blanche Hughes received her Bachelor’s degree from Earlham College, a Master’s of Education degree in Student Affairs and Doctorate degree in Sociology from Colorado State University. She is currently in her 17th year as the Vice President for Student Affairs at Colorado State University. In this role, she works with a Division that includes 15 departments that collaborate with other units in the University community providing support for our students and staff. Dr. Hughes teaches and advises in the Student Affairs in Higher Education graduate program.

Blanche is married to Wayne Hughes and they have four children (two are alums of CSU) and five grandchildren. She enjoys spending time with her grandchildren, attending athletic events, and teaching.

  • SAS Connection
    Colorado State University Partnership- Sending designated staff members on voyages. Sailed a segment from Morocco to Spain, Fall 2022.
John Tymitz
Co-Founder and Past President of the Institute of Shipboard Education
John Tymitz
Co-Founder and Past President of the Institute of Shipboard Education

Dr. Tymitz served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Institute for Shipboard Education until February 2007. He served as a faculty member for Chapman College’s World Campus Afloat in 1972 and as the Associate Director of Operations from 1973-75.

In 1976 he was the co-founder of the Institute for Shipboard Education, serving as the Director of Administrative Affairs until 1984. In 1984 he was appointed Executive Director; in 1997 the Board of Directors changed his title to Chief Executive Officer.

His teaching experience includes serving as an Assistant Professor of History at the University of Central Oklahoma and Oklahoma State University. He has his B.A. and M.A. from Southern Illinois University and received his Ph.D. in 1973 from Oklahoma State University.

  • Committees
    Advancement, Governance & Nominating, Voyage Affairs
  • SAS Connection
    Dr. Tymitz is the co-founder of the Institute for Shipboard Education. He sailed on 12 SAS voyages serving as the Executive Dean and teaching courses on U.S. Diplomatic History.
R. Foster Hillis
Account Representative of Direct Mail, MissionWired
R. Foster Hillis
Account Representative of Direct Mail, MissionWired

R. Foster Hillis (he/him) is a recent graduate with Academic Distinction from The University of Oklahoma where he studied Elections and Campaign Management, accompanied by a General Business Management minor.

He now is an Account Representative at MissionWired, helping connect large international progressive campaigns, committees, and causes to voters and donors across North America.

Before college, Foster was an International Trustee for Key Club International, the high school service organization of Kiwanis International.

Foster enjoys traveling, recreational running, and reading. He has traveled to over 45 countries and over half of the United States.

  • Committees
    Governance & Nominating
  • SAS Connection
    Foster sailed on the 129th Voyage during Spring 2022. Onboard, he was the Logistical Pre-Port Host, a Glazer Impact Scholar, and an Institute for Shipboard Education’s Merit Grant Scholar.
Marjorie Seawell
Retired High Risk Labor and Delivery Nurse, Founding Donor of the Women’s Foundation of Colorado, Former co-owner of The Shreveport Journal
Marjorie Seawell
Retired High Risk Labor and Delivery Nurse, Founding Donor of the Women’s Foundation of Colorado, Former co-owner of The Shreveport Journal

Marjorie is a former high risk labor and delivery nurse with volunteer experience in HIV/AIDS in Zambia, Kenya and Rwanda. She has worked with and supported the Clinton Foundation HIV/AIDS Initiative as well as several other international NGO’s and philanthropies. Marjorie was one of the founding donors of the Women’s Foundation of Colorado and has served as president of her family’s foundation which focuses on social justice issues and the needs of the underserved. She is a former co-owner of The Shreveport Journal and is currently an investor in commercial real estate and alternative assets. Received two undergraduate degrees including a BSN and a Master’s Degree in Health Administration and Policy

  • Committees
    Governance & Nominating
  • SAS Connection
Emily Poague
Vice President Marketing, LinkedIn Learning
Emily Poague
Vice President Marketing, LinkedIn Learning

Emily leads marketing for LinkedIn’s Learning business, focused on connecting consumers and organizations with digital learning to develop skills needed in an evolving world of work. Emily has over 15 years of experience across marketing and product management at companies including Accenture, American Express, and Yahoo!. She joined LinkedIn in 2013 and led the Consumer Marketing function until joining the LinkedIn Learning in 2016. Emily graduated from Johns Hopkins University with a degree in International Relations and studied abroad in Paris, France through the Sweet Briar program. She holds an MBA from the Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley.

  • Committees
    Voyage Revenue
  • SAS Connection
    Friend of Semester at Sea since 2019.
Jenny Lewis
Chief Marketing Officer & President, The Knot Worldwide
Jenny Lewis
Chief Marketing Officer & President, The Knot Worldwide

Jenny Lewis is the Chief Marketing Officer and President at The Knot Worldwide. In her role, Jenny leads all Marketing initiatives for the company and its 19 global brands. With expertise in growing and advancing well-known brands, Jenny was the Head of US and Canada Marketing for Uber and UberEats prior to joining TKWW. As one of Uber’s earliest marketing hires, she helped transform the start-up into an iconic household name, and was the driving force behind a number of product and brand-defining initiatives.

She is a graduate of George Washington University, Semester at Sea alumna, and currently resides in Boston with her husband, Ryan, and 2 year old son, Jack.

  • Committees
    Voyage Revenue
  • SAS Connection
    Spring 2010 Alum
Marisa Huber
Counselor at Law, Gibson Robb & Lindh LLP
Marisa Huber
Counselor at Law, Gibson Robb & Lindh LLP

Marisa is passionate about maritime law, which she has practiced since 2007. She handles a variety of maritime matters including cases involving yachts, ship repairs, maritime personal injury, maritime products liability, general average, and bunker fuel disputes. Her practice also includes marine insurance coverage, liability defense, bad faith defense, and commercial maritime transactional matters.

Marisa’s Education includes: Santa Clara University School of Law, J.D. (2007), Law of the Sea Studies at Oxford University, University of San Diego, B.A. International Relations (2001)

  • Committees
    Future Ship Task Force (Ad Hoc), Governance & Nominating
  • SAS Connection
    Marisa sailed onboard the S.S. Universe Explorer for the Spring 2000 voyage.
Conrad Herrmann
Retired Director of Equity Portfolio Management, Franklin Templeton Investments
Conrad Herrmann
Retired Director of Equity Portfolio Management, Franklin Templeton Investments

Conrad joined Franklin Templeton in 1988, holding various leadership roles as well as serving as lead portfolio manager of the Franklin California Growth Fund (later renamed the Franklin Flex Cap Growth Fund) from 1993 until 2016. During his 23-year tenure of this traditional long-only mutual fund, it was a top performing fund, outpacing his peers and relevant benchmarks, producing over 16% average annual returns. Prior to this, Conrad received his undergraduate degree from Brown University, and his MBA from Harvard. Conrad has two grown children, Christine and Alex, and married Julia Petitt Herrmann in 2020 after reconnecting with her at their 40th HS reunion. They mainly split their time now between CT and FL, in addition to traveling the globe.

  • Committees
    Advancement, Investment
  • SAS Connection
    Conrad first sailed as a student on the S83 voyage, which ran aground in Alexandria, Egypt. He then completed his journey on the S84 voyage. He also sailed as a Lifelong Learner on the F16 voyage.
The logo for Semester at Sea
Clipper Hackett
Clipper Hackett
  • Committees
    Voyage Affairs
  • SAS Connection
Dennis Gertmenian
CEO, Foxdale Properties
Dennis Gertmenian
CEO, Foxdale Properties

Dennis Gertmenian is the CEO of Foxdale Properties and Founder of Ready Pac Foods®, where he served as CEO for 40 years. During his career, Dennis has completed over 60 mergers and acquisitions mostly related to the food and real estate industries. Dennis received an AA from Pasadena City College, a BS from the University of Southern California, and a MBA from Pepperdine University. Community service is very important to Dennis and his wife Susi, where they devote a great deal of time and resources. He is a lifetime resident of Pasadena where he and Susi raised 5 children. Dennis and Susi spend their summers at Grouse Creek Reserve- their ranch in the Tetons, where they enjoy multiple outdoor activities.

  • Committees
    Audit (Ad Hoc), Finance, Investment
  • SAS Connection
    His association with Semester at Sea has been long served and enjoyed. Dennis sailed as a student in Fall 1966, and is rejoining the SAS Board, after serving from 2000-2016, during which time he was Vice-Chair, Chair of the Investment & Governance Committees, and serving on multiple committees, including: Advancement, Academic Search, Executive and Scenario Planning.
Dan Garvey
President/Professor Emeritus, Prescott College
Dan Garvey
President/Professor Emeritus, Prescott College

Dan Garvey will be sailing on his seventh Semester at Sea Voyage as Executive Dean. He will be teaching SOC 362 Social Change on this voyage. This course is a student-directed experience that provides students with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand and initiate action toward social justice. He is President Emeritus of Prescott College, serving as President from 2000-2010, and also a professor and founding Fellow of the Institute for Sustainable Social Change at Prescott College. Dan has been a faculty member and administrator at six colleges and universities and has strong ties to the mountaineering and experiential education communities and was a Trustee of The National Outdoor Leadership School (NOLS) and Project Adventure and a supporter of the United World Colleges.

  • Committees
    Advancement, Executive, Future Ship Task Force (Ad Hoc), Governance & Nominating, Voyage Affairs
  • SAS Connection
    Dan has sailed on the Spring 1984, Spring 1988, Spring 1996, Spring 2011, Summer 2014, Spring 2017 and Spring 2023 SAS voyages. He is also a former member of the Alumni Association Board of Directors.
Christopher Foreman
President, Moonbeam Investment Corporation
Christopher Foreman
President, Moonbeam Investment Corporation

Moonbeam Investment Corporation invests in and acquires distressed assets of which the underlying security interest is real estate. Such assets include, commercial and consumer debt, tax liens, large land tracts and commercial real estate. Christopher graduated from the University of Wisconsin Madison in 1988 with a degree in Economics. Sailed Spring 86 as a Sophomore as well as Lifelong Learners with my wife and two children Spring 2014.

  • Committees
    Finance, Investment
  • SAS Connection
    Sailed Spring 86 as a Sophomore as well as Lifelong Learners with wife and two children in Spring 2014.
Cedric Dark
Emergency Physician
Cedric Dark
Emergency Physician

Cedric Dark, MD, MPH, FACEP is an Associate Professor in the Henry J. N. Taub Department of Emergency Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine where he trains the next generation of America’s emergency physicians while caring for patients in one of Houston’s major trauma centers.

Dr. Dark has received the Texas Medical Association’s C. Frank Webber Award, the Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association Joseph F. Waeckerle Alumni of the Year Award, and was named to Elemental’s List of 50 Experts to Trust in a Pandemic.

He has expansive media experience including print, radio, podcast, and television – including outlets such as NPR, CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, and BBC World News.

A graduate of Morehouse College, Dr. Dark earned his medical degree from NYU and a master’s degree from Columbia.

  • Committees
    Voyage Affairs
  • SAS Connection
    Fall 1999 Voyage
Kristina Ota Belfiore
Kristina Ota Belfiore

Kristina previously worked for the Microsoft Corporation in Recruiting for nearly 12 years. Her last position there was Director of University and MBA Recruiting which also included responsibility for the company’s internship and scholarship programs. Kristina is a long-time member of the Board of Trustees for Rainier Scholars, an educational non-profit in the Seattle area which opens doors to education for hardworking, disadvantaged children of color, providing a pathway to college graduation and creating future community leaders. She also currently serves on the Board of Trustees for Seattle Country Day School, a private K-8 school in Seattle. Stanford University, Bachelors of Arts and Science degree in Economics and Biology.

  • Committees
    Advancement, Governance & Nominating
  • SAS Connection
    Kristina sailed on Semester at Sea with her husband and three children on the Spring 2016 voyage with John Tymitz serving as the Dean. She learned about the program from close friends, Kevin & Kristine Shields, who sailed in Fall 1999 as Lifelong Learner’s.
Kayla Reed
Participant Success Coordinator
Kayla Reed
Participant Success Coordinator

Kayla began working with ISE/Semester at Sea in April 2023 and is thrilled to have joined such a life-changing organization. She’s incredibly passionate about international education and cultural exchange and couldn’t be happier helping students from across the globe embark on this transformative journey. Although Kayla has yet to be on the ship, she studied abroad in Antibes, France as well as lived and worked as an English Teaching Assistant in Metz, France. She is eager to travel to as many countries as possible and is honored to help make this dream a reality for voyagers too! In her free time Kayla enjoys all the outdoor adventures Colorado has to offer, singing, playing the piano, doing yoga, and snuggling with her cat and dog.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Kayla earned a BA in International Studies from Colorado State University with a minor in French Language.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Antibes, France or Boquete, Panama (impossible to choose only one!)
Maria Kopnitsky
Director of Enrollment and Marketing Systems and Insights
Maria Kopnitsky
Director of Enrollment and Marketing Systems and Insights

Maria (she/her) has been fascinated by Semester at Sea since several of her former colleagues participated in the Spring 2022 Voyage. She has held various roles throughout her career in higher education, most notably in international enrollment management. Maria is passionate about using technology to guide and support students in their study abroad journey. She currently serves as the Upstate New York Representative in her local NAFSA region, and was selected as the NAFSA Region X Rising Professional in 2021. In her personal life, Maria is a dog-mom, a language nerd, and an avid traveler.

  • Home Base
    New York
  • Education
    Maria earned her MA in Spanish from Binghamton University
  • Favorite Travel Destination
Hannah O’Malley
Academic Programs Coordinator

Hannah’s first experience with ISE was sailing as the Faculty-led Programs Coordinator on the spring and fall 2019 voyages. She specializes in experiential science education and feels forever inspired by the learning opportunities and communities the Semester at Sea program creates. Hannah is originally from Millbrook, New York, and now lives with her husband and cat in Central Florida. She has worked previously in curriculum development, education, and community engagement with The Nature Conservancy and Disney’s Animals, Science, and Environment Department. Hannah was thrilled to re-join the ISE Academic Team part-time in 2022, and then full-time as Academic Programs Coordinator in 2023.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Hannah earned her B.S. in Biology from Washington College and her M.A.T. in Teaching Biology from Miami University’s Global Field Program.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    National Parks
Grace Schneider
Health Services Coordinator
Grace Schneider
Health Services Coordinator
  • Home Base
  • Education
    Grace earned a Masters in Education and a BA in French from the University of Rochester.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
Alex Ryan
Junior Systems Administrator

Alex Ryan ( He/Him/His) served as Treasurer for Colorado State University’s chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery his senior year. He also helped his team make it to the national semi-finals in the Winward Artificial Intelligence competition the same year. After graduating from CSU in 2016, Alex dabbled in various tech and alternative energy roles. Alex started his career at ISE in the summer of 2022 and is excited to be working in higher education. He maintains multiple side projects for free Computer Science education and White Hat global security efforts. He is an avid snowboarder, hacky sack enthusiast, and Minecrafter. When he’s not talking to machines he’s trying to keep up with his two little kiddos (also future White Hat Computer Scientists).

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Alex earned a BS in Applied Computing Technology with a minor in Business Administration and a Certificate in Cyber Security from Colorado State University.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Monte Verde, Costa Rica
Candace Patrick
Senior Director of Marketing and Communications
Candace Patrick
Senior Director of Marketing and Communications

Candace Patrick (she/her) began her career at ISE in summer 2010. After having sailed as a student on the Spring 2007 Voyage, coming to work for Semester at Sea has been a full-circle experience! She has presented at several conferences including NAFSA regional conferences and Diversity Abroad. Candace also founded and served as 4-year chair for ISE’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee. She is HubSpot certified in Email Marketing, Marketing Software, and Sales Software. Outside of the office, Candace enjoys binging her favorite TV shows, writing, producing indie films, and fighting with her cat for the most comfortable seat in her apartment. The cat usually wins.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Candace earned her BA in Screenwriting with a minor in Business Administration from Loyola Marymount University.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    It’s a tie between Ghana, Brazil, Vietnam, and India!
Jennie Lee Montgomery
Social Media Manager/Copy Editor
Jennie Lee Montgomery
Social Media Manager/Copy Editor

Jennie Lee Montgomery joined the ISE in October 2022. With a background in marketing for colleges and student living communities, she is excited to continue working in higher education with a one-of-a-kind experience like Semester at Sea! Professionally, Jennie has a passion for capturing meaningful experiences and sharing these stories through creative content on social media. When she’s not creating behind the screen, she’s cheering on the Clemson Tigers, traveling to NYC to catch a Broadway musical, or finding the best matcha latte in a new city. She also enjoys playing competitive tennis, slowly learning new instruments, and spending time with her mini-golden doodle named Bear!

  • Home Base
    South Carolina
  • Education
    Jennie earned her M.A. in Communication from College of Charleston and her B.A. in English and minors in Education and Leadership from Winthrop University.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    New York City
Jesse McCauley
Junior Systems Administrator
Jesse McCauley
Junior Systems Administrator
  • Home Base
The logo for Semester at Sea
Kate Lilly
Director of Student Support Services
Kate Lilly
Director of Student Support Services

Kate Lilly has been a part of the Semester at Sea team since 2019. Her connection and love for the program started back on the Spring 2007 voyage. Her experience as a student sparked her career in international education and she returned as a staff member in the Field Office on the Spring 2018 voyage. Kate is passionate about helping students access transformative experiences through travel, and enjoys photography, and hiking with her dog Dax in Colorado!

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Kate earned her BA in Psychology from University of San Diego.
  • Favorite Travel Destonation
    Urubamba, Peru
Tracey Hammond
Administrative Assistant, Student Services
Tracey Hammond
Administrative Assistant, Student Services

Tracey Hammond has been with ISE since September 2021. She enjoys chatting with students, parents, and anyone who needs a live advisor through the SAS Chat on our website as well as helping out wherever needed. Tracey has a passion for creating and editing training documents and loves to help others navigate through new systems. Outside of the office, Tracey enjoys reading, playing games on her phone and has read and watched “Lord of the Rings” multiple times. She has two kids in college and a “Covid” puppy, Kaya, who was adopted through a rescue organization in Colorado. Kaya helped her family by keeping them entertained with her puppy antics during the pandemic and they can’t imagine their lives life without her.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Metropolitan State University – BA
Jason Hughes
Vice President of Marketing & Recruiting
Jason Hughes
Vice President of Marketing & Recruiting

Jason oversees marketing, communications and recruiting for Semester at Sea, working alongside Kelly Wilkinson and the Regional Directors to build strong relationships with study abroad offices, universities, and prospective students and parents. Prior to joining ISE in July, Hughes was the Chief Marketing Officer at Colorado School of Mines and has held similar roles at the University of Northern Colorado and Beloit College. In 2008, Hughes sailed aboard our previous ship, the MV Explorer, while serving Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL.

  • Home Base
The logo for Semester at Sea
Whitney Cohen
Regional Director of Enrollment &  (Midwest & International)
Whitney Cohen
Regional Director of Enrollment &  (Midwest & International)

Admissions Region: International Students + Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Wisconsin

Whitney Cohen joined ISE in Fall 2021 after working in international student admissions for 7 years. Originally from California, she studied abroad in the UK and Tanzania during college and loves helping students achieve their own study abroad goals. While she’s no stranger to living out of a suitcase (or backpack!) she loves coming home to the Midwest and the fur-filled house she shares with her dog and 2 cats.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Whitney earned a MA in International Education from SIT Graduate Institute and a BA in International Studies from University of Evansville.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Kigali, Rwanda
Libby Claerbout
Manager of Academic Programs
Libby Claerbout
Manager of Academic Programs

Libby has been a part of the Semester at Sea team since January 2023. She manages course registration, class scheduling, and academic policies for all voyages. Libby also assists with the development of academic field work on each voyage, including initial program design, implementation, and evaluation.

Libby has worked in the field of International Education since 2003 in study abroad management, international student immigration and support, and campus internationalization efforts.

During personal time, Libby loves to spend time with her husband and two daughters, is an avid reader, and tries to be outdoors as much as possible; camping, biking, coaching youth rec. soccer or walking her dogs.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Libby earned her BA in French Language from the University of Northern Colorado and her MA in International Communication at the American University’s School of International Service in Washington D.C.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Norway because of Friluftsliv (their love of outdoor life), not to mention the breathtaking mountains and fjords.
Vera Nicholas
Lifelong Learning Coordinator
Vera Nicholas
Lifelong Learning Coordinator

Vera Nicholas sailed as a Lifelong Learner on the Fall 2022 Voyage. She loved the experience so much that she interviewed with ISE while on the MV World Odyssey and took up her new position as Lifelong Learner Coordinator soon after her return home. After 30+ years as a career diplomat living and working in many parts of the world, she’s found her true unofficial ambassador dream job helping to make Semester at Sea a reality for future Lifelong Learners. Outside the office, Vera’s other passions include hosting live music house concerts, horseback riding, equestrian and country real estate, and sharing her Pearls ‘n Spurs Luxury Guest Ranch as an Airbnb property. When she can’t be somewhere on the ocean exploring this beautiful world, remote glamping adventures on horseback feed her soul.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Vera earned her Master of Science in Foreign Service from Georgetown University.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Anywhere at sea!
Ken Cushner
Emeritus Professor, Kent State University
Ken Cushner
Emeritus Professor, Kent State University

Ken Cushner, Emeritus Professor of Int’l Teacher Education at Kent State University, is a Founding Fellow and current Executive Director of the Int’l Academy for Intercultural Research. He has been a Fulbright Scholar to Sweden and Poland, and is author of several books including “Teacher as Traveler: Enhancing the Intercultural Competence of Teachers and Students” (2018), and “Human Diversity in Education: An Intercultural Approach” (11th ed., 2024). Ken has taught on five voyages: Summers of 2010 and 2011, Fall 2017, Spring 2019 and Spring 2022, and will direct Global Studies on the Spring 2024 voyage. Ken also serves on the board of Orkeeswa School, a Maasai community schools northern Tanzania; Givat Haviva, an Israeli Jewish-Arab institute devoted to shared society initiatives.

  • Committees
    Voyage Affairs
  • SAS Connection
    Ken has taught on five voyages, directing Teachers at Sea (Summers 2010 & 2011); as Intercultural Specialist (Fa ’17 & Sp ’19) Global Studies Director (Sp ’22); and again on Sp ’24.
The logo for Semester at Sea
Melissa Wdowik
Melissa Wdowik
The logo for Semester at Sea
Jana Raadik Cottrell
Jana Raadik Cottrell
The logo for Semester at Sea
Sam Pack
Sam Pack
The logo for Semester at Sea
Jen Johnson
The logo for Semester at Sea
Tobi Jacobi
The logo for Semester at Sea
Jean Ippolito
Jean Ippolito
The logo for Semester at Sea
Michael Connolly
Michael Connolly
The logo for Semester at Sea
Kenneth Cushner
Kenneth Cushner
The logo for Semester at Sea
Ursula Quillmann
Elizabeth Faulk
Elizabeth Faulk

Elizabeth Faulk, MD is our newest addition to the Spring 2022 voyage! She is an Emergency Medicine physician with over 25 years of experience in emergency departments ranging from Level I trauma centers to tiny rural facilities. She started her training in General Surgery and was lucky enough to follow this with a fellowship in Cardiothoracic Surgery at New England Deaconess hospital, one of Boston’s Harvard Hospitals group. During this time she began practicing emergency medicine, and she never looked back, becoming Board Certified in the process. She met her husband, Pete Hernandez, a paramedic /firefighter (who will be traveling with her), in Arizona, where she was Chief of a small Emergency department in Page, on the edges of Lake Powell and the Navajo Nation. They embarked upon a round the world trip at that time, backpacks in hand, and didn’t come home for almost 4 months. They loved the adventure, the people, and the cultures along the way, and they hope to come full circle now, caring for all the generations on board ship while all revel in the newness of adjacent beautiful countries and cultures. She also pursues the practice of hatha yoga and super conscious meditation and you might see her on deck doing just that!

Stephanie L. Seng
Field Director
Stephanie L. Seng
Field Director

There is no better place on earth than aboard a Semester at Sea ship, and Stephanie Seng is excited and grateful for the adventures that lie ahead in her role as the Field Director on this, her third SAS voyage. Stephanie had the privilege of sailing with her mom on the Spring 2020 SAS voyage while helping to navigate the challenges of the pandemic as the Assistant Director for Faculty Led Programs. Though not the voyage she had expected, she will always cherish the experience, appreciating the herculean efforts made by ISE/SAS staff and leadership to keep voyagers safe and feeling inspired by the resilience of the shipboard community as they bonded together through diversions and ultimately an early end to the journey. In Spring 2017, Stephanie sailed on her first SAS voyage with her husband, Chris and their three children, Will, Jonah, and Olivia. While the kids were all college students, Steph worked on the Global Studies team and Chris was the Academic Advisor/Registrar.

Stephanie currently serves as the Director of the Center for Family and Couple Therapy at Colorado State University where she supervises and teaches student therapists and manages their community-based therapy center. She is also the director and one of the founders of the CSU Child Trauma and Resilience Assessment Center. This growing center provides assessments and recommendations for youth across the state who have experienced complex trauma. Stephanie is especially honored to be an Aspen Institute – Ascend Fellow working to improve the lives of Colorado children and families.

After graduating from Nebraska Wesleyan University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Interpersonal Communication, Stephanie married Chris and they made their first home together in Guinea, West Africa, where they served as Cooperative Extension Agents in the United States Peace Corps. Captivated by the beauty, climate and outdoor living in Colorado, the couple made their home in Fort Collins in 1992, where Stephanie pursued an MS in Human Development and Family Studies/Marriage and Family Therapy. Prior to her current position, Stephanie worked at the Center for Neurorehabilitation Services specializing in treating patients and families who have experienced neurological illnesses and injuries and in her own private practice.

When not sailing, Steph loves to spend time with her family hiking, camping, skiing, playing volleyball and board games, and playing with their dogs, Cache and Juniper. She feels especially fortunate to have both Chris and her mom, Linda, who will be sailing as a lifelong learner, joining her on the Spring 2022 voyage.

Chris C. Seng
Assistant Executive Dean
Chris C. Seng
Assistant Executive Dean

Chris Seng has worked in higher education for 31 years focusing on enrollment management efforts aimed toward student success. At the end of 2021, Chris will retire with “Emeritus” status from Colorado State University. Directing the Office of the Registrar at CSU, Chris led a department of outstanding student-success-focused individuals who teamed with faculty and staff from all departments on campus to implement initiatives to meet undergraduate access, enrollment, and completion goals of the University. Most recently Chris served as project manager for the Colorado State University System office leading a multi-campus initiative to consolidate student information system operations across institutions.

Chris has extensive consulting experience through work with the U.S. Department of Education and several other higher education institutions. He has presented at many state, regional, and national conferences and provided analysis and recommendations to software vendors and colleagues as they develop solutions for campus student administrative ecosystems.

In 2017, Chris and his family enjoyed the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity (and now it’s happening again!) to sail with Semester at Sea. Chris served as a member of the voyage leadership team working as the Academic Advisor/Registrar. Chris’ wife Stephanie joined the Global Studies team and their 3 children were all students on the voyage.

Terra Gargano
Assistant Executive Dean
Terra Gargano
Assistant Executive Dean

Terra Gargano teaches courses in cross-cultural communication and international education in the School of International Service (SIS) at American University in Washington, DC.

She taught English in Japan for three years and sailed as the Assistant Executive Dean for the Spring 2004 voyage before joining the faculty at Howard Community College, the University of Maryland, and ultimately American University. For the last several years, she taught a Complex Problem course, What does it mean to be educated?, for the living and learning Community Based Research Scholars Program, a course that critically examined the purpose and meaning of education through varied lived experiences. She also teaches a course on storytelling in international relations and an intercultural communication class that expands student understandings of intercultural transitions and border crossings through autobiographical narratives.

Administratively, she served as the Program Director and Faculty Advisor for Online Programs in SIS, with students logging into classes from over 15 timezones. She has served as a Faculty Fellow with the Center for Teaching Research and Learning and has consulted for international organizations transitioning to virtual spaces. She has received several faculty awards from the University, including the Outstanding Performance for Innovation in Online Teaching, the Outstanding Faculty Mentor Award, and the Outstanding Teaching in a Full-Time Appointment.

Throughout her twenty-five-year career in international higher education, she managed dozens of institutional collaborations worldwide. She is constantly learning alongside her students about the ways culture impacts perceptions, worldviews, and communication. She graduated from the University of Maryland with a Ph.D. in International Education Policy.

She was raised in a small western Pennsylvania town by a large Italian family, where she spent Sundays making homemade pasta in her grandma’s kitchen. She appreciates a good story, enjoys standup comedy, and is a fierce skeeball competitor.  She is looking forward to exploring new places and revisiting some familiar sites with her husband Brett and two teenagers, Zola and Rocco.

Chela Chomicki
Dean of Student Life
Chela Chomicki
Dean of Student Life

Dr. Chela Chomicki has gone from being a door-to-door bookseller to writing books; from being a community health educator to running health organizations. Dr. Chela has been committed to promoting the holistic well-being of individuals, families and communities through her work, service, education and research domestically and internationally.  She has conducted research and service in over 80 countries and numerous states throughout the US.  She earned her PhD in Human Ecology with a concentration in Health Disparities within the Latino and African Diaspora; her Masters in Public Administration and a Bachelors in Spanish and Business Administration.  She has been a longstanding advocate for those that are marginalized because she knows what it feels like to be disenfranchised.

Dr. Chela currently serves as the President and CEO of CC Strategic Solutions which is a leadership and management consulting and research firm.  Much of the foundational skills that she trains leaders on stems from her 12 years of experience in Residence Life at multiple universities.  She has worked in private/public sectors, non-profits and the federal government to develop scalable strategies, create innovative programs and develop exceptional leaders who improve the well-being of individuals, families and communities around the world.

Jeff McCubbin
Academic Dean
Jeff McCubbin
Academic Dean

Jeff McCubbin served as the Dean of the College of Health and Human Sciences at Colorado State University from 2011-2019. Prior to that he was a University Distinguished Professor of Exercise Science and Executive Associate Dean in the College of Health and Human Sciences at Oregon State University (OSU).  He directed an internationally recognized graduate program in Movement Studies in Disability in the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Sciences at Oregon State University. International students is his graduate program were from Finland, Germany, Korea, China, Singapore, Canada, Greece and Kuwait. His research and teaching interests have focused on the role of physical activity and exercise on improving functional skills and reducing secondary complications of disability.

He completed his BS degree from East Stroudsburg State College (PA) in 1976; his MA in Special Physical Education from the University of Connecticut in 1977, and completed his PhD from the University of Virginia in 1983. Jeff McCubbin was inducted as a fellow in the prestigious National Academy of Kinesiology in 1998. He will be a professor emeritus of Health and Exercise Science and Dean of the College of Health and Human Sciences at CSU.

Jeff and his spouse Debbie love to travel, visit grandchildren, engage in community based non-profit leadership, and find ways to enjoy exercise no matter the season.

Rameen Talesh
Executive Dean
Rameen Talesh
Executive Dean

Dr. Rameen Talesh is the Associate Vice Chancellor-Student Life & Leadership and Dean of Students at the University of California, Irvine (UCI). He served as the Dean of Student Life on Semester at Sea (SAS) Fall 2014 and is excited to be returning to the shipboard experience. One of his favorite memories was coaching women’s and men’s SAS basketball teams in friendly matches with the University of Havana.

Throughout his career, Rameen has worked with various programs and departments including undergraduate housing, campus activities, clubs & organizations and cross-cultural services. His 33 years of professional experience in student affairs administration has covered both public and private institutions of various sizes including University of California Riverside, California State University Northridge (CSUN), and Occidental College.

Rameen received his Doctorate degree in Higher Education Administration from the University of Southern California where he teaches graduate courses in the Rossier School of Education as an adjunct Associate Professor. He earned his Master’s in Public Administration from CSUN, and his BA degree in Political Science from UCI.

Rameen believes that the experiences in the classroom are enhanced by the experiences outside the classroom. On his campus, he is affectionately known as the “Fistbump Dean”. You can follow him @deanrameen. He is looking forward to sailing on the voyage with his wife and enjoys spending time with his grandkids, playing basketball, doing yoga and has been known to sing from time to time.

Marianna Walsh
Academic Advisor/Registrar
Marianna Walsh
Academic Advisor/Registrar

Marianna Walsh (she/her) is currently the Student Information Systems Manager for the Office of the Registrar at Colorado State University where she leads a team to manage university information systems, support students, faculty, and staff in managing student data, and collaboratively support student success initiatives. Marianna is thrilled to be returning to the MV World Odyssey as Academic Advisor/Registrar, having sailed in the role in Spring 2018.

Marianna has been at Colorado State University in some capacity since 2008, earning a B.S. in Human Development and Family Studies, and a Master’s in Management Practice with a focus on multimodal communication methods. Marianna enjoys being able to use this transdisciplinary experience to apply strengths-based leadership and advocacy to support learning and growth.

Marianna is also passionate about centering diversity, equity, and inclusion in her work to improve her community. She currently serves as co-chair of the campus-wide Disaggregating Identity Data workgroup, and is a Safe Zone facilitator. In 2019, Marianna was honored to be the recipient of the Rainbow Inspiration Faculty/Staff Award, presented by the Pride Resource Center recognizing a CSU faculty or staff member based on their contribution to, involvement in, and impact on the local LGBTQIA+ community.

In her free time, Marianna enjoys spending time outside camping, hiking, and generally appreciating nature. She is excited to continue exploring the world with her partner, Adam, as they learn about new places, people, and foods.

Scott Smith
Scott Smith

Dr. Scott Smith is a Board-Certified Family Physician who will be joining his first Semester at Sea voyage from Santa Fe, NM.  Scott received his undergraduate degree from Ursinus College, his medical degree from Thomas Jefferson Medical College and completed his Family Medicine residency in York, PA.  He spent 6 years as a National Health Service Corps Scholar providing full scope family medicine and rural emergency care to the Dine (Navajo) people of Ganado, AZ. It was here that he first experienced the challenge and rewards of a medical practice in remote underserved areas. While practicing Family Medicine in Vermont, he participated in several medical brigades to Peru and Panama and was a longtime medical volunteer of a local free clinic providing care to uninsured and the large migrant dairy worker community. Most recently he has worked in several urgent care clinics while continuing to provide emergency/urgent care to the local residents and commercial fishing industry on the remote island of Unalaska (Dutch Harbor), AK.

Scott will be traveling with his wife Leanne who is a retired pharmacist. Both are excited by the opportunity to support and grow with the staculty, life long-learners, students and crew of Semester at Sea community.

Kristin Sykes
Assistant Executive Dean
Kristin Sykes
Assistant Executive Dean

Kristin Sykes is excited to once again sail with Semester at Sea.  She has had the privilege of sailing on the Spring 1996 voyage as a Resident Director and Fall 1999 and Summer 2014 as Assistant Executive Dean.  She was inspired each time by the growth and transformation of the voyagers and can’t wait to support students, faculty and staff as Assistant Executive Dean on the Spring 2023 voyage.

Kristin has a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of St. Thomas where she worked in Residential Life for numerous years.  She was then in the role of a community college counselor for four years before switching into administration in order to make positive changes within systems.  She is currently the Dean of Students at Century College, the largest community and technical college in Minnesota, where she leads committed staff in providing equitable services and opportunities to a diverse student population.  Departments that she supervises include Student Life, Records, Transfer Student Services, Athletics, Disability Services, the Resource and Support Center, Federal Grants, Tutoring, Title IX, and the Student Health Clinic.

Kristin jumps into opportunities to learn and grow especially through experiential learning opportunities both locally and globally.  In addition to her love for travel, Kristin enjoys camping, biking, hiking, finding great food to make or eat, planning adventures for friends and family, hanging out on a Minnesota lake, and performing in local theater productions alongside her husband and two children.

One of Kristin’s favorite quotes summarizes the transformational journey that is  Semester at Sea:  “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.”  ― Marcel Proust.

Jenni Schreiner
Assistant Dean of Student Life
Jenni Schreiner
Assistant Dean of Student Life

Jenni is thrilled to sail on the Spring 2023 voyage as the Assistant Dean of Student Life. She sailed in 2016 as a Resident Director and can’t wait to return to ship life.

Jenni has worked through her career in Housing/Residence Life at various colleges around the country, most recently calling Salt Lake City, Utah home. Outside of work she loves getting out into nature to camp and hike. In addition to traveling, Jenni also loves creating art, listening to 80s music, and snuggling with her kitties, Henry and Gus.

Jon Cleveland
Dean of Student Life
Jon Cleveland
Dean of Student Life

Jon is thrilled to set sail on his first voyage with Semester at Sea! He’s psyched to be a part of this special community, experience new cultures, make new friends, and ensure the participants have a safe, life-changing, and positive learning and sailing experience. Don’t hesitate to introduce yourself and grab an opportunity to meet up with Jon. You’ll see him, his wife (Gretchen), and children (Yale, Neve, and Birdie) all over the ship.

Outside of serving as the Dean of Student Life for the Spring 2023 Voyage, Jon works as the Executive Director of Career Services for Colorado State University, supervising a team of 70 to rock career services for the institution. His professional experiences have centered on higher education administration, including extensive work in residence life, academic advising, leadership and volunteer programs, and now career services. Jon holds a PhD from Colorado State University, a master’s degree from Michigan State University, and an undergraduate degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

Karen Simon
Retired Vice Chairman in Investment Banking, JPMorgan
Karen Simon
Retired Vice Chairman in Investment Banking, JPMorgan

Karen retired from JPMorgan as a Vice Chairman in investment banking and held numerous leadership roles over her 36-year career, living in London for 20 years. Karen currently serves on the Boards of three publicly traded companies: Aker ASA, listed in Oslo; Energean plc, listed in London and Crescent Energy listed on the NYSE. Karen is a Co-Chair of the Thunderbird School of Global Management Global Alumni network and advisor to the Dean as well as on the Executive Advisory Council for the Bush Institute in Dallas. Karen holds a Masters of International Management from Thunderbird and an MBA from Southern Methodist University in addition to a BA from the University of Colorado. Karen sailed on SAS in the Spring of 1979 and enjoys hiking, cycling, golf, skiing, wine tasting and travel!

  • Committees
    Future Ship Task Force (Ad Hoc), Governance & Nominating
  • SAS Connection
    Spring 1979 Voyage
Hannah Zimmerer
Regional Director of Enrollment (Southeast)
Hannah Zimmerer
Regional Director of Enrollment (Southeast)

Admissions Region: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee

Hannah Zimmerer sailed as a student on the Fall 2017 Semester at Sea Voyage. After graduating college, she started her career in higher education by working in undergraduate admissions and helping students find their path after high school. She joined the ISE team in the summer of 2021, which was a dream come true for her! In Hannah’s role, she works with students from the Southeastern area of the US to help them find their home in the Semester at Sea community. When she is not working, Hannah enjoys exploring new places and trying new foods. She is also always on the lookout for new dog-friendly places to bring her NewfyPoo, Willett.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Hannah earned a BA in Communication and Journalism from the University of St. Thomas and she is currently working on a MBA at the University of South Carolina – Aiken.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    My favorite travel destinations are Japan, Finland, and the Czech Republic!
Jessica Zaksek
HR Manager
Jessica Zaksek
HR Manager

Jessica’s (she/her) love for Semester at Sea began while sailing as a student on the Fall 2013 50th Anniversary Voyage. Following the voyage, she knew she wanted to work for ISE and provide life-changing experiences for voyagers. Jessica started her career with ISE in April 2016 as an Administrative Assistant and transitioned into HR in October 2016. She has been working as the primary contact for faculty and staff in their voyage preparations ever since. Though she is a Southern California native, she loves the mountains and all the outdoor activity options Colorado has to offer. In her free time, Jessica enjoys trying new restaurants, reading, traveling, hiking, watching cooking shows, boxing/kickboxing and relaxing at one of the many breweries in Fort Collins.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Jessica earned a BS in Psychology from Colorado State University and a AS in Baking & Pastry Arts from Johnson & Wales University.
  • Favorite Travel Destination
    Costa Rica or Anywhere in Europe
Carlos Vazquez
Student Support Services Advisor
Carlos Vazquez
Student Support Services Advisor

Carlos sailed with Semester at Sea during the Fall 2019 voyage and current advisor with the Student Support Service department. During his voyage, Carlos was selected as an Inclusive Engagement Scholar and member of the Impact Cohort. It is with this experience and his extensive experience working with undergraduate students, Carlos is passionate to ensure students can receive the opportunity to participate in Semester at Sea. Outside of work, you can find Carlos actively following the NBA, taking a hike, or hanging out with his cat.

  • Home Base
  • Education
    Carlos attended the University of Idaho.
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Holly Tawil
Senior Regional Director of Enrollment (Northeast & Texas)
Holly Tawil
Senior Regional Director of Enrollment (Northeast & Texas)

Admissions Region: Connecticut, Washington D.C., Delaware, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Virginia, Vermont, West Virginia

Holly (she/her) fell in love with the program after sailing in 2010 and she still stays in touch with many of her shipmates to this day! Prior to joining ISE, Holly worked in a variety of university roles including on-campus housing, student conduct, and undergraduate admissions. She enjoys visiting universities to talk about Semester at Sea and is always on the lookout for local restaurants in college towns – suggestions welcome! In addition to working with prospective students and universities, Holly also works with the Diversity Peer Mentor program to connect prospective students with SAS alumni of similar backgrounds, identities, and experiences. In her free time, Holly enjoys flying kites, cycling, and live music.

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    Holly earned her M.Ed in Student Affairs in Higher Education from Texas State University and a BA in Sociology from St. Edward’s University.
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