All Hands on Deck: The Campaign for Semester at Sea
At Semester at Sea, we’ve proven that we can do anything when we come together. Your generosity has strengthened our resolve and honed our vision: the All Hands on Deck campaign set and exceeded an unprecedented goal to raise $50 million. Thanks to your support, we made history together!
Our Campaign Success:
Total raised
Our campaign goal was met in December 2022.
Thank you to all the generous donors who supported our first ever Capital Campaign!
Anonymous (3)
Gale and Shelby Davis
Karen J. Simon
Kristin and Gregory Chapman
Scott A. Seamans
Erin Anderson
Lois Debes*
Donald S. Green
Paul W. Liebhardt
Jonathan Murray and Harvey Reese
Richard Wolf
Kristina Ota Belfiore and Joseph Belfiore
Lisa Braun Glazer, Ph.D. and Jeffrey Glazer, Ed.D.
Wendy O’Brien
Brock Oyler
Randi Sue Quat and John Rosenberg
John Scudder
Nancy Strauss Tietge
Cindy Zomchek and Jim Shirley
Zaneeta E. Daver
Tina and James Deutsch
Jennifer I. Hicks
Stephanie F. Nowack
Julie and Gary Ransdell
Leanne and Michael Segal
Laura and John Babcock
Susan Babcock
Ruth C. and William E. Blackman*
Diana Sammis Brookes and Robert J. Brookes
Marillee Carroll
Chelsey Crisp and Rhett D. Reese II
Lisa and Michael Derezin
Christopher Foreman
Susan and Dennis Gertmenian
Jean Gortner and Jack Putnam
John C. Horton
Sara Smith Kutler and Jon Kutler
Erin and Eric Lichtenwalter
Ann Little
Elizabeth and Bruce Olson
Jennifer and Benjamin Ottenhoff
Rena and Ray Putnam
Weezie and David Reese
Marjorie B. Seawell
Gail and Robert* Weigl
Lisa and John Acker
Jane and Dwight Allison
Malinda Antonik
Callie and Eric Bennett
Hayley G. Booher
Susan Uhazie Camele and Dr. Robert Camele
Anna Carey* and Franklin Miyazaki
Elaine K. Church
Donald N. Clark
Gladys Cofrin and Daniel Logan
Elaine R. Deutsch
Sandra Frazier
Deedie and Tom Hudnut
Amy and Brian McDowell
Angela D. Miller
Ann G. Miller
Hildy and George Morgan
Cathy and Steve Needleman
Erika and Darryl Praul
Thomas E. Rodgers, Jr.
Tracy Sherman and Steve Friedman
Jerry C. Strine
Hyla Goldberg Vine and Barry Vine
Betty and Milt* Waldron
Anonymous (1)
Carol Baker and Iain Campbell
Katrina and Jonathan Barlow
Cindy and Ralph Boester
Megan Burke
Joan and John Casey
Susan and William Casner
Gwen Fairall
Becky and Rob Foersterling
Nancy and Charles Fry
Barbara and Daniel Garvey
Caren Griffin
Donna Guenther*
Lily He and Randy Davis, Ph.D
Julia and Conrad Herrmann
Marisa Huber
Heather and James Hughes
Lauri Hughes
Kim Schmoker Hunnewell and Willard Hunnewell
Linda and Thomas Hurley
Annette and David Jewell
Victoria Jewell
Nancy Johnson and Charles Osterbrink
Jean and Stephen Kaplan
Kristin Karst and Rudolf Schreiner
Nikey and Eugene* Key
Lacob Family
Emily and Clark Lauritzen
Stacey and John Mayes
Linda B. Merrifield
F. Alexander Middleton
Joselyn Pomeroy Miller and Todd Miller
Renee Miskimmin, M.D.
Marie Oamek
Scott Pietrs
Kelly Pietrs*
Emily Poague
Caleb F. Reese
Deb and Rich Resling
Karen and Steve Royce
Amy L. Schmidt
Elizabeth Silver-Schack and Larry Silver
Karen and Chris Sinfield
Maura and David Spellman
Mary E. Thielemeir
Cynthia Thomas
Abby Crumpacker Vieira* and Robert Vieira
Carole and Steven Weinberg
Beverly Wettenstein*
Anonymous (4)
Patricia Aaronson and Robert Fried
Roane Akchurin
Beverley and Kenneth Babb
Peter D. Balch
Laurielynn Jackson Barnett
Karleen and Andrew Basch
Lindsey G. Benfield
Mark S. Bertrand
Barbara Bethke and Alison Kim
Allison and Eric Boester
Kathleen Bohland and Mark Brown
Diane and James Bordoni
Ruth Campbell
Susan C. Capozza
Stephen W. Carroll III
Blair Carty
Shari and Flynn D. Case
Darden Coors
Marlene Davisson
Mary Delvaux-Tochner and Ira Tochner
Ellen S. Dietrick
Jennifer and Mark Digan
Joy and Christopher Dinsdale
Gail and James Ellis
Valerie Fayard
Christina Ferrari
Karen Fore
Bert A. Getz, Jr.
Cintia and Rajon Gilmore
Jo-Ann Harris
Michelle Hebl and David Harvey
Katie Shea High
Rebecca and Thomas Jelke
Lauren and Lee Karny
Michelle and Brent Kimball
Beth and Tommy Knapp
Susan Koehler and William Hatt
Elizabeth Nelson Kramer
Austin G. Lastinger
Candis and Mike Lochmann
Ned M. Lynch
Jean W. Matthews
Mary S. McConnell
Kathryn and William Meleyco
Julie Miller and Paul Dansereau
Kyle Miller
Ruth and Adam Miller
Allison and Crawford Moran
Edwina M. Nelon
Linda Condon Nickel
Monica Nicoli and Diego Piacentini
Christine and Jay Orris
Milton S. Orris*
Marie Hamer Parco and Edward Parco*
Ann Stuart Pearce and Ellen Porter
Timothy H. Fitzpatrick
Biff Roche
Farrell and Stuart Saunders
Sheryl Henderson Scarano
Gina and Erik Sethre
Angela and Ronak Shah
Eileen and Randall Sherman
Katherine E. Smith
Allison Sogn
Sandra Scott Suzor
Clarice and Gary Utt
Richard H. Wallace
Marilyn and Michael Wilson
Tonia and John Wilson
Jill D. Wright
Sheryl Zimmerman and Philip Sloane
Anonymous (1)
Nancy Ackelson and James Van Arsdel
Theresa and Evans Attwell
Teresa and Garth Aubert
Lisa and Michael Auerbach
Lee M. Baker
Mark Bass
Elizabeth Hoff Blackmer
Judith and Gene Bolles
Maureen and August Brescia
Audra and Trey Brickner
Mary Burchill and Mark Maxson
Barbara Burke
Karen E. Burns
Darlene Campbell and Randy Lewis
Amy Cohen
Joe Coleman
Cathy Condon
Nicole and Charles Cooper
Rikki and Patrick Daniels
Linda and Bill Danneberg
Renee Delahoussaye
Elysse Burrow Denton
Chloe B. Dinsdale
Jillian L. Dinsdale
Janet and William Dinsmore
McKinley and Brian Durham
Jeremy B. Elder
Sharon and Ramsey Ellis
Ashley Epting
Elizabeth and Russel* Evans
Diane Fatheree and James Prugh
Marti Fessenden and Suzanne Schultz
Toni and Walter Finger
Claire Fletcher
Ashton and Andrew Fried
Matthew Fried
Sara E. Fried
Ruth Ann and Errol Ger
Karin and Eric Heinzelmann
Sabrina and Marco Hellman
Erma J. Higgins*
Heidi Hoelscher and Anthony Bell
Eryn M. Hughey
James R. Huntley
Jill Hurd and Oscar Zavala
William E. Inman
Karen and William Jason
Kathryn M. Jenulis
Dorothy and Peter Katona
Wendy and Mark Kettering
Leila Kight
Celeste and Robert Kling
Lindsey B. Koehler
Matthew S. Koehler
Sharon Kopman and Jason Kay
Janine and Lale Kuhn
Meganne Leach
Mary and John Liu
Rhonda Longmore-Grund
Wendy and Robert Marcus
Patricia H. Mehosky
Merlin Melstrand
Jennifer C. Meyer
Annise Miller
Jeremy S. Miller
Elizabeth Moore and Jon Elliott
Jennifer and Prithvi Mulchandani
Kathy and David Murray
Patricia F. O’Brien
Laurel Slaughter Odelein
Scott Ostrom
Kathleen and Mark Paur
Mary B. Perkins
Karyn Planett and Geoffrey Thompson
Pamela Polk
Jon Powell
Richard Pritzlaff
Nancie Rosen
Katelyn Rothe
Jill and Eric Schifferli
Jane Shivers and William Sharp
Michael Shuman
Lisa Slavid
Barbara and Edwin Sobey
Ruth and Wiley Sommerville
Dale and Gregory Stamos
Joanne Sten
Kendall R. Sturgill
Connie Sween
Lisa and Alan Synn
Karen and Brett Tate
Debra Thomas
Todd M. Thomas
Melissa Tronquet and Nicholas Steiner
Claire and Frans Van Der Lee
Nancy and Joe Visenberg
Vernon Wall
Nancy Nash Watkins and John Watkins
Jyoti Watumull
Tanya and Vikram Watumull
Thomas C. Whelan
Brooke Wilson
Alice Wyman
Elizabeth Zavodsky and Jeremy Mohr
Anonymous (8)
Kazuyuki Abe
Mamta Accapadi
Leah and Stephen Aguirre
Barbara Merinoff Albert and Todd Albert
Karla and Peter Alfano
Brenda Kay Allgire
Dwight Allison
Simone Almeida
Debra and Daniel Alpert
Elizabeth Amory
William T. Anderson
James Andre and Paul Kellogg
Susan M. Arnold
Susan and Michael Aroner
Samantha M. Asher
Gayle and Michael Ashley
Mary Evans Attwell
Jennifer L. Auerbach
Donna Ayerst and David Hess
Cheryl and William Badger
Ankit Bagai*
Melanie and Todd Baker
Patricia and Edward Baker
Robert Baldridge
Jeanne and Harden Ballantine
Lori Barker and Mark Robinson
Adrienne and Allen Barna
Arlena Barnes and William Kinsey
Asta Baroardottir and Edward Huijbens
Leila Baroody
Anna Marie Bauer
Tina Baughman and Gregory Yost
Susan and Miles Baxter
Julie and Mike Bearup
Nancy and Jeffrey Beck
Robyn G. Beck
Elizabeth Becker
Joy Becker
Lisa and Darrell Benatar
Kristen and Bradley Beracha
Kathleen Bergen and Alexander Bastos
Kim Berman
Marcy and Richard Bern
Tiffany and Pablo Bernal
Andy Berney
Amy and Darren Bernhard
Michael Bernhard
Kimberly Bertz
Laura and David Bexfield
Erika Binger
Melissa J. Bingler
Beth and Adam Binsfeld
Lisanne and James Biolos
Alan Bishop
Sarah E. Bjelland
Michelle and Darren Black
Nancy S. Blair
Diana and Ben Blatz
Sarah Block and Joseph Cohen
Amanda and Christopher Blocker
Beth and Paul Boesenecker
Stacey and Andrew Boesenecker
Amy Bogert-Kuebler and Gregory Kuebler
Julie and James Borden
Erin E. Boyle
Carrie S. Bradford
Rick Brandt
Mandy Bratton
Patricia B. Braun
Charlotte W. Braxton
Julia Breitman
Jan and William Britt
Amanda and Scott Brooks
Craig Brown
Catherine Brown-Robinson and Lawrence Robinson
Ian Buggs
Laurie and Scott Burke
Tammia and Jonathan Burke
William Burkland
Mary Ann and Thomas Burns
Michael L. Burnstine
Kyra and Bradley Busam
Wilson W. Cai
Henry Callan
Brian S. Campbell
Mary Ann and Jeffrey Campbell
Kimberly and Jonathan Cantor
Pam and Ron Carey
Kristi and Theodore Carlin
Robert M. Carlton, Jr.
Jessica E. Case
Beatrice Prewarski Cassou
Elizabeth and John Casteen
Linda and Steven Caster
Catharine Mellon Cathey and John Cathey
Maxwell P. Champlin
Philip Chernin
Susan Cherrington
Nicole Clark
Deborah Clifford
Ann and John Clough
Laura L. Cofrin
Kendra and Dennis Coleman
Kevin Comiskey
Mark Connor
Fernando Corredor-Ospina
Erika and Joseph Couture
Carolyn Covault
Carla and Patrick Cox
Judy W. Crawford
Marie A. Crean
Tanya and John Crone
Dominic Cronshaw
Alyssa Cuchiara and Kyle Koelbel
Cathie K. Cullen
Kathy S. Cummings
Roberta and Richard Cummings
Christine Cunningham
Shannon Curl
Hyla and Kenneth Cushner
Kristen and Dustin Cvancara
Bailey Daar
Aundrea Dahl
Carey and Jamie D’Alessandro
Lila Sparks Daniels and William Daniels
Janea Danuser
Lesley and James Danziger
Lillian A. Daou
Cheryl and Peter J. Dart
Caroline and Peter Davis
Carolyn J. Davis
Kathleen E. Davisson
Merrilee De Bry
Margaret Defranco and Theodore Ford
Christine and Steve Demos
Michael Dennie
Holly and Michael Depatie
Joanne and Stuart DePina
Robert Dever
Felicia Di Silvestro
Mary Dick
Tandi and James Donaldson
Cheryl B. Doty
Evelyn E. Duffy
James Dulin
Kara Dunn
Laurel Dunphy
Alexandra Duryea
Ann Nora Ehret and Rick Fehst
Ava C. Ekberg
Debra S. Ellenoff
Joyce and Mark Ellyne
Janet Else
Sarah and Ryan Eppehimer
Laura and Jonathan Epstein
Nancy and Jonathan Erickson
Marni and Ron Eshel
Donna and William Fanning
Edward L. Farmer
Laurel and Jeremiah Fasl
Karl Ferguson
Kenrick O. Fernandes
Margaret and Mark Ferrentino
Jane and Harry Finch
Miriam and Isaac Fisher
Rachel M. Fisher
Rebecca Fisher
William L. Fisher
Amanda and Matt Fleishman
Sandra and Craig Fleishman
Bonnie M. Fletcher
Lisa Ford
Kay J. Fore*
Ivy Forester
Sara F. Forward
Rhonda and Lucius Fowler
Anne P. Fox
Ruth A. Freedman
Windy and Terry Gallagher
Peter Galloway
Shelley and Dean Galloway
Marjorie and Michael Garard
Mary and Robert Garland
Laura D. Gastis
Jean and Sanford Gaynor
Ann and Robert Ghent
Steven Gibson
Janna and David Gies
Julia and Charles Gill
Mark B. Ginsburg
Scottie Gissel
Kate Morey Gladman
Susan and Gene Gloeckner
Jacquelin A. Gorman
John R. Gosnell, Jr.
Carolyn Grant
Mary Alice and Larry Grant
Kerin and Charles Green
Roe A. Green
Stephanie Green and Mark Ferne
Ann and Ted Greene
Stacey and Patrick Gribbin
Linda Griffith and Scott Kellogg
Jean and Bill Griswold
Christian Groff
Linda and Bernard Grogan
Jaynee and Rolf Groseth
Louis B. Guttman
Jennifer R. Haire
Michael Hammerman
Noma Hanlon
Selene A. Hanna
Carolyn Hanson
John D. Hardgrove
Justin R. Harmon
Teresa and John Harmon
Barbara A. Harris
Daryl L. Harris
Nancy Hartley and Richard Cobb
Kathryn Haw
Nicholas W. Hayden
Robert Head
Karen M. Healy
Rex F. Hendrickson
Jessie and Brandon Henry
Anne Herman
Sue Hill-Sullivan
Susan Hine and John Olienyk
Jessica and Adam Hirsch
Mary E. Hoeldtke
Kailey W. Hoener
John Hofer
Ann Hoffman
Elizabeth and Bob Holtby
Mark Horsburgh
Betsy and Steve Howard
Kimberly and Richard Huettl
Dayna and Tom Hulme
Mary Hunter
Elizabeth Ann Hutton
Sara and Christian Iantosca
Jordan P. Jacob
Alana H. Jacobson
Catherine C. James
Rainey and Kirby Janke
Elinor and Ross Jannotta
Kara Jantzi
Scott Jarrell
Alan Johnson
Jay Johnson
Jennifer Johnson and John Rippel
Lynn and David Johnson
Marion and Michael Johnson
Claire Joseph
Russell Juneau
Grazyna and Martin Kabat
Nancy and Christopher Karman
Lori Karny
Mitchell Karsch
Susan and Daniel Kartchner
Kevin Keeley
Mary Jo Kerrigan
Danielle Kim
Eric Kimmel
Christine and Thomas King
Joseph King
Shannon N. Kittelsen
Cheryl Klauss
Catherine Klose and Lee Chesnin
Heidi T. Kolbe
Nicole B. Korte
Aparna Kothary and Karthik Subramaniam
Kristin and Michael Kratoska
Linn and Paul Kreckman
Zona Kreidle
Joanne and Steven Kreindel
Kenneth A. Kreinheder
Jenny and Sam Kuykendall
Maynil R. Lambert
Star Lancaster
Gregory M. Larberg
Marvin I. Larger
Mark Larter
Steve Laurion
Barbara and Michael Lawler
Maggie Leach
Scott Leahy
Hau Lee
Julie R. Leibert
Valerie Goodwin Lenington
Melinda and Adam Leone
Lloyd S. Lewan
Sage and John Lewis
Jacqueline and Ronald Lincoln
Mary and Thomas Lippert
Kristen and Scott Lively
Tom Livermore
Susan and Ivan Lo
Maureen Long and Anthony Fiorini
Patricia and James Long
Helena and Mark Lotruglio
Christian G. Lowe
Terry and Richard Lozinsky
Nicolas A. Lucio
Kevin Lyons
Joan Maas
Sharon MacDonald and Craig Fisher
Kathleen MacKay
Nicole and Jad Mahsoob
Craig Maier
Diana Mailly
Marian Malatesta
Pierson P. Mandell
Josephine Mann
Julian Mann
Tristin and Martin Mannion
Susan Maran
Christy and Scott Marshall
Eleanor Martin
Ruth and Gregory Mason
Susan Burnight Mason and Dick Mason
Daniel H. Massey
Erin and Matthew Matzkin
Kathleen and Duane Mauzey
Lucy and Robert McBride
Lester McCabe and William Bridge
Leslie McCall
Alana McComb-Pelren and David Pelren
Allison and Gavin McDermott
Diana McFail
Elizabeth C. McIlyar
Brian Mcintyre
Kelly N. McKenna
Klea McKenna and David Charne
James McLean
Jaime A. Melanson
Nannette and Enrique Mereles
Matt Merz
Shannon Metzger
Bradley Michael
Carolyn and Jeffrey Miller
Courtney B. Miller
Helen and Jeff Miller
Jessica and Andrew Millner
Mara and Justin Mitchell
Susan and Thomas Monahan
Pamela Monroe
Adrianne and Marty Moore
Ann Becker Moore
Catherine and Thomas Moore
Lori Moore
Henry D. Morissette
Jean Morrell
William D. Morrell
Jan Morris
Patrice Morrow
Virginia Morsman
Lisa Bardill Moscaritolo and Joe Moscaritolo
Georgia and Eric Mosher
Mary Lou Mosley
Wendy and Michael Mulvhill
Anne and Martin Muradaz
Kyle R. Nash
Mark P. Neary
Shannah N. Nehrke
Elizabeth and Phil Neugebauer
Trent Newcomer
Laurie and Robert* Newhouse
Mary and Timothy Ney
Vera L. Nicholas
Mary Beth and James Nicholson
Thomas Niederkofler
Michelle Normoyle-Dietz
Mary and John O’Donnell
Ben T. Okada*
Alair and Derek Olson
Marla and Michael Omer
Patricia O’Neill and Marinus Koning
Dana C. Ostermiller
Rita and John O’Sullivan
Marni and Vince Otte
Lisa and Tyler Owen
Gregory Packard
Robert Padgett
Shauna and Matthew Parisi
Mary McCurdy Parker
Katie J. Parris
Ann Patton and Arthur Lowenstein
Kathryn and Robert Patton
Kimberly Pavel and Richard Harrison
Merilynn and Craig Pearsall
Brian Peierls
Tal Peles-Gray and Kevin Gray
Joy Penner
Phoebe and Rick Peterson
Sabin Peterson
Leslie Pettitt-Johnson
Charlotte and Jason Pfannenstiel
Ahkar Phyo
Thomas G. Polenzani
Virginia and Steven Pollack
Kathleen Poole
Lynn and Mark Porath
Paul Porcello
Barbara and Zeb Portanova
April and Kyle Porter
Kathryn and Clark Porter
Kathleen and William Power
Elizabeth and Richard Pratt
Brad H. Quinn
Nora Quinn
Robyn and Matthew Quitmeyer
Kim-Kay and Thomas Randt
Karen and Gregory Rattenborg
Kautilya Raval
Richard Regan
Nancy Roy Reid
Heather Reiner
Rick Rickertsen
S. Barbara Riding
Barbara Winson Riedel
Robert Rieder
Mary Beth Basile Ring
Jaime Robb and Robert Grant
Jane Urbanski Robbins
Jay Roberts
Jill W. Roberts
Kerry and Clifford Roberts
Rhea R. Robertson-Easton
Beth and James Robinson
Fiona Rodgers
Michelle and Timothy Rodgers
Brad R. Rodrigues
Tina R. Romaniello
Kelsey C. Rooney
Lynda Karns Rose
Michelle Rosen
Darren M. Roth
Laura Roth
Dawn Rowe
Ruth and Dennis Rowedder
Ellen Rubenstein-Chelmis
Carol* and Gerald Rucks
Karen and Mitchell Sack
Lisa and James Sahli
Virginia L. Sammis
Leslie Sammons
Maureen and James Sansbury
Lynn Sarf and Richard Watkins
Barbara Saromines-Ganne
Magen Savo
Amanda and Edward Sawyer
Sherry and Stephen Schafer
Christine and Vincent Schaff
Amy McAteer Schamroth and Matthew Schamroth
Tonya and Daniel Schmidt
Kenna and Allan* Schoenherr
Zachary Schreiber
Lisa Schrenk and Steven Weis
Heather and Stenning Schueppert
Suzanne Schwartz and Ron Redmond
Lillian S. Scott
Stacy and Jim Scott
Scottie Seawell and Phillip Boyle
Melissa and Brad Seiler
Lynn A. Senior
Faye and John Serio
Elizabeth and William Shaid
Dorothy Shain
Suzanne and Peter Shanahan
Kay and Donald Sharpe
John A. Shaw
Anne-Marie and Matthew Sheldon
John Sheridan
Harriet Burrow Shields
Elesabeth R. Shook
Katherine Shull
Gayle F. Singh
Barbara and Douglas Smith
Caroline and Tom Smith
Clarke Smith
Katherine Smith and Bernardo Feitosa
Hannah and Ivan Snyder
Nancy and Joshua Solomon
Suellen and James Sorenson
Linda and Glenn Spungen
R. Vladimir Steffel
Diane Stephens
David B. Stern
Laurel and Fred Stutzer
Florence and Robert Suan
Susan Sutton
Phyllis E. Swindells
Molly W. Tafrate
Mark Tamis
Virginia Tancioco
Dee Anderson Tarpoff
Carrie Taylor
Gail and Alva Taylor
Jean Taylor and Michael Roberts
Shirley S. Thagard
Christopher S. Thompson
Herbert Thompson
Paul Thompson
Gabrielle D. Tierney and Eric Bindelglass
Irene Tinker and Millidge Walker
Laurie and David Title
Marilyn Title
Philip Todd
David Tottino
Jackie and David Treece
Kelsey and Sean Tufts
Dixie and John Tymitz
Katherine and Mark Urich
Linda and Paul Uzureau
Andrew Van Degna
Thomas Van Stavern
Deborah and Kurt Vander Bogart
Patrick Vassar
Laura Vega
Dominic A. Visconsi, Jr.
Michael Visenberg
Mary Vogl and Mohammed Hirchi
Jacob Volkmar
Armand Vonsiatsky
Barbara Wagar and Stephen Hennessy
Ginny and Roy Wagner
Samuel Walsh
Marianne J. Walters
Lynn H. Waltman
Sherry and Aaron Wangenheim
Kay Clemons Watt and Timothy Watt
Nella Webster and Kevin O’Grady
Robert Wedgwood
Joshua Weinstein
Joshua B. Weintraub
Susan Weitz and Gregory Intinarelli
Landon Westerlund
Lisa M. Westwater
Jill and Doug Wetton
Katherine Whitbeck
Marilyn* and George Whitmore
Marianne and Dennis Wilcox
Heidi H. Wilkes
Diane Rutherford Wilkinson
Bridget H. Williams
Elizabeth Williams
Rhonda and Bennie Williams
Wyatt Williams
Roberta and John Wilma
Franke Wilmer and Mark Pierce
Jane and Charles Wilson
Carole and Philip Wizer
Melanie Wong
Gregory B. Wood
Robin and Richard Woods
Julie and Jon Woolley
Edith L. Wright
Gordon Wright
Jennifer E. Yankopolus
Andrew C. Yost
John A. Yost and G. Wade Leak
Christina and Daniel Zoll
Jennifer and Michael Zoll
Robin P. Zweig
Anonymous (6)
A. Gary Anderson Family Foundation
Alden H. Vose Foundation
Amazon Smile Foundation
American Endowment Foundation
Ameriprise Financial, Inc.
Anjac Fashion Buildings
Arbella Insurance Foundation, Inc.
Arizona Community Foundation
The Attwell Foundation
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Bank of Hawaii Foundation
Barbara Ingalls Shook Foundation
Barrister Executive Suites
Be’er Chadash Foundation
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Bergen County United Way’s Charitable Flex Fund
Beyond Reynosa Foundation
Bhattar Consulting, LLC
Bieber Family Foundation
BNY Mellon
BNY Mellon Community Partnership
The Boeing Company Gift Match
California Community Foundation
Carolyn W. and Charles T. Beaird Family Foundation
Catherine Schmoker Family Foundation
Charles Foundation, Inc.
Charles Schwab
Chris & Joy Dinsdale Family Foundation
Clark and Kathryn Porter Family Foundation
Collegiate Regalia
The Colorado Trust Directed Contributions Program
The Columbus Foundation
Combined Jewish Philanthropies of Greater Boston, Inc.
Community First Foundation
Community Foundation for a Greater Richmond
Community Foundation for Southeast Michigan
Community Foundation of Jackson Hole
Community Foundation of the Holland/Zeeland Area
Community Foundation Santa Cruz County
Covidien Employee Giving
Cruise Management International (CMI)
CyberGrants, Inc.
The David E. Reese Family Foundation
The David S. Howe Foundation
The Denver Foundation
Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.
Dodge & Cox Gift Matching Program
Edmund and Mary Shea Family Foundation
Edward Jones
The Emily Benatar Foundation
Equity Trust Company
The Family Mayer Foundation
Fidelity Brokerage Services
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
First Interstate Banksystem Foundation
Follett Corporation
Franklin K. Wyman & Deborah A. Wyman 2011 Charitable Annuity
Geronimo Real Estate Corp.
GGE Foundation, Inc.
Globe Foundation
Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program
Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund
Greater Horizons
Greater Houston Community Foundation
Greater Kansas City Community Foundation
The Hoak Foundation
The Hoelscher Bell Elliott Foundation
Homer A. and Janet E. Scott Family Foundation
Homer A. and Mildred S. Scott Foundation
The Hugh M. Inman Foundation, Inc.
IBM Employee Services Center
J.P. Morgan Charitable Giving Fund
Jack Scudder Memorial Fund
Jason Family Foundation
The Jayna Troxel Murray Foundation
JBT Corporation Matching Gift Plan
Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Metrowest NJ
Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles
Jewish Federation Cincinnati
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County
Jewish Foundation of Greater New Haven, Inc.
Jhamandas Watumull Fund
John and Elizabeth Lauritzen Foundation
Johnson Charitable Gift Fund
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Keeley Family Foundation
Kramer Foundation, Inc.
Kutler Family Foundation
The Leach Family Foundation
Lewis M. and Esther Perlstein Family Foundation
Lilly Family Foundation
Lyra Management LLC
M. Schamroth & Sons
The Marcus Family Foundation
Marjorie Mosher Schmidt Foundation
McKinstry Charitable Foundation
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation MGP
Merrill Lynch & Company, Inc.
Meyer and Raena Hammerman Foundation
Mile High United Way
Morgan Stanley
Morgan Stanley Gift Fund
Morgan Stanley Global Impact Funding Trust, Inc.
The Morning Glory Family Foundation
National Christian Foundation California
National Philanthropic Trust
Nationwide Insurance
Network for Good
Northern Trust Charitable Giving Program
Old National Trust Company
The Oregon Community Foundation
PAV Foundation
The Perkins Charitable Foundation
Peterson Family Foundation
Powell Family Foundation
R. E. Olds Foundation
R. K. Mellon Family Foundation
Raymond James Charitable
Raytheon Company
Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
The San Diego Foundation
Saunders Foundation
Schaf Photo/Schafer Design
Schwab Charitable Fund
The Schwartz Family Foundation
Segal Family-United World Foundation
Sewell Family Foundation
Shelby Cullom Davis Charitable Fund, Inc. and S&G
The Sherwin-Williams Foundation Foundation
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
SunStone Ships, Inc.
T. Rowe Price Charitable
TD Ameritrade Clearing
Thomas E. Rodgers, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Thomas Hudnut Consulting, LLC
TIAA Charitable, Inc.
The Title Family Foundation
Truman Heartland Community Foundation
The Tung Foundation
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
U.S. Private Wealth Management
Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
The Walt Disney Company Foundation
Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC
Willard M. and Ruth Mayer Johnson Charitable Foundation
William and Sandra Condon Family Foundation
Winston-Salem Foundation
YourCause, LLC

Campaign Overview
Semester at Sea continues to set the standard for comparative global education.
To ensure our life-changing educational opportunities remain possible, we need your support. The All Hands on Deck campaign represents an important moment in Semester at Sea’s history, one that — with the commitment of our alumni, students, parents, faculty, staff, and Lifelong Learners — will help redefine the program and its future.

“The success of this campaign is owed to the leadership of Erin Anderson and John Tymitz, Shelley Galloway, Jeffrey Glazer and our entire Advancement Team, including the leadership of our former Vice President, Audra Brickner.”
Scott Marshall, Ph.D.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Thank you to our supporters!
The All Hands On Deck campaign, launched in 2017, was Semester at Sea’s first comprehensive fundraising campaign.
Alumni, supporters, and foundations contributed $50,790,529.98 in cash, pledges, and planned gifts, most of which are in support of student scholarships.
“Achieving this goal is a testament to the fact that our alumni and friends believe, as I do, that the world desperately needs global citizens who welcome and seek to bring about positive change in the world,” Marshall said. “People who see beyond borders. Beyond stereotypes. Who have stepped across thresholds, joined hands, and come to appreciate – even love – what is different, what is new and what is challenging.”
-ISE President and CEO, Scott Marshall
Our Goal:
$50 Million
The All Hands on Deck campaign began on December 1, 2017.
Total Amount Raised:
$50.8 Million

Campaign Priorities
- 40% Scholarships
- 20% Unrestricted Support
- 20% Endowment
- 10% Programmatic Enhancements
- 10% Faculty and Staff Support
Make an Impact
There are many ways for you to continue to support Semester at Sea, and a number of gift options offer significant tax and income benefits. From traditional cash gifts, pledges, or charitable bequests to giving your time and talent, your contribution makes a difference. This is always an opportunity for all Semester at Sea alumni and friends to come together and ensure Semester at Sea continues to create global citizens who contribute to and respect the world’s values, practices, and cultures.