Basondo, otherwise known as the Xabier Maiztegi Wildlife Foundation, is located on a windy road above Kortezubi, Spain. The animal sanctuary rehabilitates and cares for many local species, as well as exotic animals that have been wounded or cannot be re-released into the wild. Its residents range from large, shaggy European bison to small, slightly slimy salamanders.
Twelve Semester at Sea students and staff volunteered to spend their morning helping with mundane chores about the sanctuary. The main task: pulling the invasive (but delicious smelling) mint from the field where a small herd of deer live. The herb is harmful to their diets, yet grows plentifully underneath the Spanish sun. The reward: a sense of accomplishment and a grand tour of the entire operation… and holding a few new friends. With majors ranging from animal sciences to biology, every student wanted to play a part in helping this unique sanctuary.