To better accomodate a more balanced itinerary, the Institute for Shipboard Education has been working closely with Deans Kathy Thornton and Nick Iammarino to refine the fall 2013 voyage’s itinerary and calendar. The revised itinerary is now posted on our web site: http://www.
Notable changes include:
- The voyage length has increased by four days. The voyage departure from Southampton is now one day earlier (August 24) and the return to Fort Lauderdale is now three days later (December 16), for a total of 115 days.
- Our visit to St. Petersburg has increased to four days to provide for a more balanced in-country schedule of field labs and trips.
- We added extra sea days in select segments for navigation and technical reasons.
- The overland visits to Antwerp/Le Havre and Lisbon/Cadiz are now five days in length to better accommodate the academic program.
- The four-day visit to Ireland now calls exclusively on Dublin (Galway has been eliminated for technical reasons).
- The four-day visit to Ghana has become on overland visit (with calls on both Tema and Takoradi) to provide for extended in country opportunities.
- We will now call on Buenos Aires for five days; we will no longer call on Montevideo but will allow overland travel from nearby Buenos Aires.
- Our stay in Manaus has increased to four days to provide for a better balance of in-country field labs and trips.
- Our call on Roseau is eliminated to provide for a more seamless close of the academic calendar