The visit to Ghana’s Parliament Chambers wrapped up early, so we headed to a restaurant to grab sodas and wait for our friends. While it appeared empty, upstairs on the balcony were a group of people having meeting. One woman stood up, led us downstairs, and instructed a waiter to take our order. Famished from a day of exploring Accra, we decided on an appetizer as well.
The pepper chicken was everything we could have hoped for and more. The restaurant was beautiful, elegant and cool in the warm afternoon sun. The sodas were cold, and the bill was so reasonable we couldn’t believe our luck. Over the three nights in Ghana, some combination of our group, ranging from 6-10 people every night, ate at our newfound spot. We all loved the food, the ambiance, and the owners.
Yet we were very concerned. This new haven never had other customers. We were the only patrons each night. Hoping against hope that we were not the only people to recognize this amazing find, we finally broached the subject on our last night. Delicately, we thanked the staff and owners, told them we were leaving, and that we hoped business went well for them in the future.
It was then that they left us speechless. (No small feat.) The restaurant did not open for over a month.
Throughout this voyage we have been told to treat others with kindness, generosity and openness, but none of us were prepared to encounter it so strongly in a small restaurant in downtown Accra. Our hostess’s response to our bewilderment and thanks – “You walked in hungry. Of course we fed you.” We asked where she got the food and drinks, and she replied that if their small starter stash ran out, she sent a server to the market down the street.
We are fortunate to have experienced many kind deeds, on this journey and previously. Yet this woman, who went so far out of her way to help a group of young Americans who stumbled into her restaurant, was someone we could not even have imagined. She embodied everything we hope to be and do on this voyage and beyond. Josephine not only taught us to fill needs that we see, but also that there is no need to broadcast those deeds. They should just be done because they are right. There weren’t words enough to thank her that night, and there still are not. All we can do is remember that which she said, and take it with us in all we do.