For my Advanced Conversation Cinema class on the Short Term 2012 Semester at Sea voyage, we spent the day with Panamanian film directors for our field lab. It was a joy to watch the students interact with the two film directors we met at Restaurante Manolo Caracol. They had not only seen and discussed their films in class –all in Spanish, of course– but they had prepared questions about the films, the Panamanian film industry, the difficulties of working in the movie business, the reception the two films have enjoyed around the country and around the globe, and the various ins and outs of the business. Both directors –Abner Bena√≠m (“Chance”) and Pituka Ortega Heilbrun (“Los pu√±os de una naci√≥n”)– proved to be intelligent, articulate, and charming. And, I might add (as I heard from each of them later), very impressed with the students. We spent about an hour talking with each of them, and in the interim, enjoyed “the best meal I have ever had in my life,” according to one of the students. This was a unique and thrilling Field Lab, and I am grateful to all of the various participants for their wonderful contributions. – David Gies
- Culture