As the shipboard community completed their travels in Cape Town, South Africa and made their way to Ghana, sadly, the Spring 2016 Voyage has almost come to an end. As students enjoy their time in Ghana, the MV World Odyssey prepares to welcome them back for the 7 day journey to Morocco. Read on to learn more.
In Cape Town the Social Entrepreneurship class visited a township and learned how the locals build their businesses.
, SemesterAtSea (@SemesterAtSea) March 24, 2016
“A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for” ‚Äì John A. Shedd
, SemesterAtSea (@SemesterAtSea) March 24, 2016
Visit News from the Helm to get to know the captain of the @MVWorldOdyssey!
, SemesterAtSea (@SemesterAtSea) March 25, 2016
So thankful for each & every one of our amazing crew members!
, SemesterAtSea (@SemesterAtSea) March 26, 2016
Of all the books in the world, the best stories are found between the pages of a passport.
, SemesterAtSea (@SemesterAtSea) March 27, 2016
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