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Spring 2017 ready to explore India

Students sail on Ganages
Students will explore the Ganges, which is sacred to Hindus and essential to millions of Indians

Namaste from Cochin, also known as Kochi, the Queen of the Arabian Sea! The MV World Odyssey arrived to India at 0800 on Wednesday, Feb. 28. Located on the southwest coast of India near the Arabian and Laccadive Seas, Cochin emerged as an important spice trading center in the 14th century. Voyagers have six days to explore the city, along with other historical and enriching destinations in India.

A local drum group greeting the Spring 2017 Voyagers in Cochin, India.
A local drum group greeting the Spring 2017 Voyagers in Cochin, India.

Many voyagers plan to visit the world-famous Taj Mahal and the glorious Ganges River. Also of interest is India’s capital city of Delhi, which is split between between the walled portion of historical Old Delhi and the more modern New Delhi.

Travelers will experience their hottest weather yet, with a high of 98°F. On-ship time is 1600 on Mar. 6 and the ship will depart at 1800 for the five-day passage across the Indian Ocean to Port Louis, Mauritius.

Libby Gangnes, Western Washington University

“Of course I’m excited to go to the Taj Mahal, because it’s one of the Wonders of the World. At the same time, I’m just interested to see how different daily life is in the scope of the world. I’m expecting it to be very different from anything I’ve experienced. I bet it’s so beautiful. India has such a rich history as the longest functioning democracy in the world. I think it’s amazing how they have polling places every mile or so because they want the people to be involved in the country. I think that’s incredible.” , Libby Gangnes, Western Washington University

  • Life on Land

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