Within the last 24 hours, President Trump issued a presidential proclamation that suspends entry to the U.S. for all non-U.S. citizens arriving from certain European countries, the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, and the U.S. State Department issued a worldwide travel advisory. In light of these serious advisories and rapidly changing global policies, we are cancelling all South Africa programming and advising that students travel home as soon as possible upon arrival to Cape Town, South Africa. Despite our best efforts to maintain a strong program experience for our students, this disappointing end to the voyage cannot be avoided and we extend our sincere wishes for a safe trip back home.
Voyagers will be cleared to make their final disembarkation from the ship for this voyage from March 14 (no earlier than 1500) – March 16 (no later than 1800). More information will be provided articulating how voyage staff and Institute for Shipboard Education (ISE) home office staff will be assisting voyagers to plan their travel home.
Students will complete all remaining coursework remotely between March 17 and April 20. Faculty will follow-up with their individual classes via email with specific information about their course requirements within 7 days after disembarkation.
We still have many details to work out and will communicate additional information to the shipboard community regarding disembarkation, flight information assistance, and shipboard programming within the next 24 hours.
For more information about the Spring 2020 program, please visit the voyage page.