Written by: Jordan Edelheit (Student)
As the end of this voyage approaches I can’t help but feel incredibly lucky to have been part of the wonderful 2011 Semester at Sea Summer voyage! These past two months have exposed me to new countries and cultures that I never dreamed of going to along with countless learning experiences with people from all over the world. I feel so grateful to be surrounded by such a dynamic shipboard community, and even as these final days went by I continued to connect with new friends from all over the country.
Thinking back on these past two months worth of experiences, rich with culture and a constant stream of interactions that are continuously helping to expand my global perspective, the best phrase that comes to mind is actually one of the most basic, “thank you”.
Starting in Italy after being inspired by a fellow voyager, Eileen Proto, I began to take pictures reading “thank you” in the respective language of each port we traveled to. It is my hope that these pictures serve as just a small reminder of my appreciation from this summer voyage.
Thank you to my parents, extended family and friends who have given me support from the very beginning, always encouraging me that studying abroad is a unique opportunity and should be taken advantage of if granted the privilege and opportunity.
Thank you to the Mediterranean for sharing its diverse culture and endless new foods with myself and the shipboard community as a whole.
Thank you to ISE for providing a program like Semester at Sea that is incomparable to any other study abroad program I have ever heard of.
Thank you to the MV Explorer for being a place that has transformed into my second home and brought many smiles as we walked into air conditioning after a long day at port.
Thank you to the phenomenal crew that has provided endless services with the sole goal in mind to enhance each of our individual experiences.
Thank you to Semester at Sea’s passionate and energetic faculty and staff for ensuring that I was learning inside and outside of the traditional classroom and helping me grow as a person.
Finally, thank you to all the new friends and people who have changed my life by being a part of this voyage. Who knows what the adventures of our final port will bring as we disembark in Boston, but I am confident that the lessons learned from this past summer will remain with me long after I step off the MV Explorer.