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Join Almabase! – SAS’s new Alumni Engagement Platform!

We’re excited to introduce Almabase, a new digital platform for SAS alumni to reconnect and build the online community. 

Once registered for a SAS Almabase account, you will have access to many exciting features, including the ability to find voyagers from your past voyages with the “Find Alumni” feature. You’ll also be able to search the vast network of SAS alumni listed in the database and filter by location (so you can find other SASers living in your current area!), program status, and even employment areas for networking purposes. You will also be able to see a map of the current locations (by city) of all SAS alumni!

  • Connect with alumni by voyage, designation (e.g., Lifelong Learners), or location.
  • Access a searchable alumni database and map to find SASers nearby or in your professional field.
  • Stay informed about upcoming alumni events and regional gatherings.
  • Customize your feed with SAS updates and content.
  • Join “Spaces” for specific groups, such as local chapters, faculty, Lifelong Learners, or past voyages.

In addition, Almabase will serve as a central space to find upcoming SAS alumni events around the globe. You’ll also have access to “Spaces.” which is a feature that will allow you to subscribe to selected alumni chapters (including groups for each classification: Lifelong Learners, faculty/staff, young alumni, and others, and then also groups for local chapter and every past voyage); event details; and communication streams. Ultimately, you will be able to create a digital feed (with weekly reminders, if you’d like) of SAS content and updates!

In future iterations of the Almabase launch, we also hope to provide digital archives of SAS materials, including content from our News from the Helm alumni newsletter (which you are reading right now) and other important and timely communications. We also hope to build a hub dedicated to the current voyage so you can receive timely updates and features from our newest group of soon-to-be alumni.

Future potential offerings in Almabase will include a business directory, mentorship opportunity matching, a job board, and class-specific notes and stories. With a vast network of over 74,000 alumni, these features will be opened over time, as we continue to build out this very special platform for our alumni group.

Future features may include a business directory, mentorship opportunities, a job board, and more. Almabase will also host digital archives of SAS materials, updates on current voyages, and past newsletters.

We look forward to launching this exciting new platform and welcoming you to Almabase! Stay tuned for more updates.

  • Alumni

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